
  • 网络housing project;building engineering
  1. 通过对两种墙体材料的承重型结构房屋工程造价的比较,进一步说明棉花秸秆草砖承重型结构房屋在实际工程应用中的经济可行性。

    Through two kinds of wall materials of bearing heavy structural building engineering cost comparisons , further explanation of cotton straw bale load-bearing structure in economic feasibility in practical engineering applications .

  2. 快速计算房屋工程量的探讨

    Exploration into fast calculation of bill of quantities for housing

  3. 重庆市电信房屋工程造价影响因素及控制措施研究

    Research on Influencing Factors and Control Measurements of Cost about Telecom Buildings in Chongqing

  4. 砌筑工程质量是保证房屋工程质量的基础,砌筑工程的强度和刚度直接影响整个房屋的稳定性与使用功能。

    The quality of laying project is the base of the building project . The strength and rigidity of laying project directly affects the steadiness and function of the whole building .

  5. 关中地区不同后屋仰角日光温室保温性能分析浅析建筑节能环保型房屋工程的保温材料选择

    Thermal Insulation Property Analysis of Various Back-roof Elevation Angle Solar Greenhouse in Central Shaanxi Plain The analysis of the selection of the thermal insulation materials for the housing projects of architectural energy-saving and environmental preservation

  6. 本文简要分析福建省农村房屋工程抗震现状,介绍福建省地震局在九五和十五计划期间,开展农村房屋震灾防御工作的情况,并对今后农居工程防震减灾工作提出建议。

    The paper briefly analyzed house engineering earthquake-resist statue in Fujian countryside , introduced the work situation that Fujian seismological bureau developed seismic disaster prevention during ninth 5 years plan and tenth 5 years plan , and proposed suggests for earthquake prevention and disaster relief of countryside house engineering .

  7. 房屋建筑工程CAD技术综述

    A Summing-up on CAD Technology in Building Engineering

  8. 房屋建筑工程中温度裂缝成因及对策

    The Temperature Crack Reason and Counterplan in the House Construction Engineering

  9. 房屋建筑工程施工质量风险模糊综合评价

    Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of quality risk in hours building engineering construction

  10. 房屋署工程督察及监工协会

    Association of Inspectors of Works and Works Supervisors of Housing Department

  11. 房屋建筑工程施工方案安全评价体系研究与应用

    Study and Application on Safe-evaluation System of Building Construction Scheme

  12. 房屋建筑工程专业教学改革新设想

    A New Idea on Teaching Reform in the Major of Building Engineering

  13. 房屋建筑工程质量通病原因剖析及防治对策

    Analysis on Reasons and Countermeasures of Common Diseases In House Building Engineering

  14. 橡胶隔震支座在房屋隔震工程中的应用

    Application of laminated rubber bearing on house seismic isolation project

  15. 房屋改造工程基础加固选型的研究

    Study on Selection of Foundation Reinforcement in Rebuilding Engineering s

  16. 房屋结构工程质量的评估方法及其应用

    An Evaluation Method for Engineering Quality of Building Structure and Its Application

  17. 加强高速公路建设中房屋建筑工程的管理工作

    Strengthening the management of house building engineering in expressway

  18. 某冶金选矿综合车间的房屋改造工程设计

    Reconstruction Design for a Smelting and Ore-dressing integrated workshop

  19. 某房屋建筑工程倒塌事故技术分析

    Technical Analyze of an accidental collapse of a building

  20. 高专房屋建筑工程专业人才培养的业务规格及实现

    On Vocational Norms and Realization of Training Architectural Engineering Personnel in Ningbo College

  21. 房屋建筑工程混凝土后浇带的设计与施工初探

    Discussion on concrete late poured band design and construction of building construction engineering

  22. 对高职高专房屋建筑工程专业毕业实习和毕业设计的研究

    Study on graduating practice and designs for civil engineering in higher professional education

  23. 美国有史以来最大规模的房屋建筑工程即将开建

    America is about to embark on its biggest house building project ever .

  24. 探索如何完善房屋设备工程专业毕业实习这一教学环节。

    Explore how to better graduation practice in the subjcet of housing equipment engineering .

  25. 托梁拔柱技术在某框架房屋改建工程中的应用

    Application of bracket girder and removed column technology in one frame building reconstruction engineering

  26. 房屋建筑工程质量保修制度刍议

    Discussion on quality guarantee systems of building engineering

  27. 40年来预应力混凝土在我国房屋建筑工程中的应用与发展

    Application and development of prestressed concrete for buildings in China in the past 40 years

  28. 要把房屋修缮工程做好,勘察设计是关键。

    Must complete the house house restoration project , the reconnaissance design is a key .

  29. 浅谈房屋建筑工程常见质量病害

    Discusses Common Disease in House Building Engineering

  30. 房屋建筑工程施工总承包特级;

    The whole contract work of the house construction projects belongs to the super-fine class .