
fánɡ chǎn jīnɡ yínɡ
  • Real estate management;house property business
  1. 哈尔滨房产经营(集团)有限责任公司(简称哈房集团)是1997年组建的大型国有房产管理企业。

    Harbin house property management ( group ) Ltd.

  2. 本房产经营公司供应个人产权房,交通便利,设施齐全,价格合理,欢迎面洽。

    This real estate company offers houses with property rights at reasonaBle prices , which have complete facilities and are convenient of access . Personal negotiations are welcome .

  3. 首府银行广场为罗利发展公司所有,由RDC房产管理公司经营。

    Capital Bank Plaza is owned by Raleigh Development Company and operated by RDC Property Management .

  4. 最常见的副业包括房产出租和经营家庭旅馆。

    The most common sideline involves letting property or running a bed-and-breakfast .

  5. 本文通过分析南京“我爱我家”房产中介的经营发展,找出其在服务营销中存在的问题,从而提出一些解决对策。

    In analyzing the nanjing " 5i5j " property intermediary development , find out problems in the service marketing , so as to improve the competitiveness of enterprises .

  6. 系统环境营造与房产营销大型建筑企业集团发展房产经营策论

    Discussion on the Development of Real Estate Business for Large Construction Enterprise Group

  7. 这与供需旺盛有关,但同时也不可避免地带来诸多风险。分析了房产典当增长的内在动力及房产典当的经营风险,提出了房产典当风险控制的针对性建议。

    This paper analyzes on the inherent power of the growth of the real estate mortgage business and the operation risk of the real estate mortgage , and puts forward some corresponding suggestions for controlling the risk of the real estate mortgage .

  8. 环达通房产中国公司主要从事住房和商业房产的开发和经营,其战略重点放在二级和三级城市。

    GTC Real Estate China develops and operates residential and commercial properties with a strategic focus on second and third-tier cities .