
Please note these works will continue until the end of October .
Based on the three projects in Guangdong , China , the author probes into the results of prestressing force , the optimization of cable force of hyperbolic paraboloids shell , the losses of prestressing force and the effects of pedestal changes .
The implementation of three projects on the same time . As the Substation equipment make a boost transformation , lines and distribution network also load the device boost transformation . After transformation , the voltage level of unity can meet the national standards .
These three projects will cost about $ 110 billion and they represent an investment in our future .
Data from the three pilot projects recently conducted to determine how to sequence human genomes for the1000 Genomes Project is now available , moving the project into its next phase .
With the recent completion of three pilot projects , researchers should now be ready to begin sequencing , though they have not yet announced plans for the second phase of the project .
Overall distribution of a centre , two tourism belts , five grand tourism zones and three tourism treasures with desert park being the theme , desert scenery and national Ortos bearing being features will be constructed as framework project .