
  • 网络Complex formation;complex strata;bad ground;complex formation,troublesome region,trick formation
  1. 复杂地层压力条件下长裸眼全井封固配套固井技术

    The Supporting Techniques for Cementing a Long Open Hole under Complex Formation Pressure

  2. 该技术适合于50m以内浅部复杂地层,特别是Ⅱ类复杂地层钻探取芯。

    Moreover , this technology is better applied to the drilling into shallow complex formation within 50m , especially to the core drilling into the II type complex stratum .

  3. BP神经元网络在复杂地层条件油水层综合判别中的应用

    Application of BP neural cell network to comprehensive discrimination in complex oil-water zones

  4. 复杂地层钻进用SD系列钻具

    SD Series Drilling tool for Complex Formation

  5. 用地层元素测井(ECS)资料评价复杂地层岩性变化

    Evaluation of formation lithology changes using elemental capture spectroscopy ( ECS ) logging

  6. 复杂地层条件下PHC桩施工质量问题分析及处理

    Analysis and settlement of quality problem during the PHC pile construction under complex stratum condition

  7. 利用矿渣MTC技术解决复杂地层固井难题

    Solving Cementing Challenges in Complicate Formations Via the MTC Technique

  8. 西部高原复杂地层中1500m深热水井的建造经验

    Experience on building deep geothermal well of complex strata in Western Plateau

  9. 用于复杂地层的φ4.65m复合盾构掘进机

    φ 4.65m Composite Shield Tunneling Machine Used in Complex Stratum

  10. 研制的压裂液体系可以满足莫北油气田复杂地层压裂改造的需要,并获得较好的增产效果,高温低摩阻油基压裂液和高温表面活性剂压裂液在4000m井的应用开国内先河。

    High temperature low friction oil-base fracturing fluid and high temperature surfactant fracturing fluid was first used in the formation with depth of more than 4000m in China .

  11. 一些反演的数值模拟例子表明,仅利用AIT单频测量信号就能很好地对复杂地层进行反演,且反演的结果与真实电导率剖面分布吻合得比较好。

    Some examples of inversion numerical simulation show that complex formation conductivity can be obtained only from the single frequency measurements of AIT . The inversion results are in good agreement with the true conductivity profile .

  12. 复杂地层地层孔隙压力求取新技术

    New Methods for Calculation of Pore Pressure in Complex Geologic Environment

  13. 预飘措施在复杂地层中深孔钻探中的运用

    Application of Pre-floating Measures in Deep-hole Drilling in the Complex Strata

  14. 地表注浆在隧道复杂地层加固中的应用

    The application of surface grouting in complex stratum reinforcement of tunnel

  15. 复杂地层多排预应力锚杆施工技术

    Construction technology of Rows of prestressed anchor bolts for complex strata

  16. 复杂地层多套压力层系尾管完井固井新工艺

    New Cementing and Completion Techniques with Liners under Plural Pressure Systems

  17. 应力波法基桩检测中复杂地层等效转换

    Equivalent transformation of complicated layer for pile test with stress wave

  18. 金刚石绳索取芯钻进复杂地层的两项技术措施

    Two technical measures for diamond wireline core drilling into bad formations

  19. 非均匀复杂地层随钻电磁波测井响应研究

    Response Study of Electromagnetic Logging While Drilling in Complicated Heterogeneous Strata

  20. 定向钻长距离穿越复杂地层的施工技术

    Construction technique of directional drilling machine passing through long-distance complex stratum

  21. 该抓斗主要适用于复杂地层的施工。

    The Grab is mainly suitable to be used in complex formations .

  22. 因工程建设需要,常使某些复杂地层形成边坡。

    Some complicated strata always become the border-slope because of engineering developments .

  23. 导向钻机在复杂地层的非开挖施工方法及技术

    Non digging method and technology in complicated strata using oriented drilling machine

  24. 复杂地层中深孔绳索取心钻探技术研究

    Research on Deep Hole Wire Line Core drilling Tech. in Complicated Stratum

  25. 对新生界复杂地层钻进技术的几点认识

    Review on Technological Gists of Drilling in Complex Strata of Cenozoic Erathem

  26. 复杂地层钻井的钻柱设计及使用技术研究

    Drill string design of drilling complex formations and its application technique study

  27. 复杂地层物探爆破孔钻进工艺方法研究

    Research on the drilling technology of geophysical prospecting hole in complex stratum

  28. 复杂地层条件下大口径钻孔灌注桩施工方法

    Construction Method of Large Caliber Cast_in_place Pile in Complex Strata

  29. 复杂地层隧道洞口施工方案设计要点的探讨

    Discussion on designing the gate construction of tunnels in complex

  30. 复杂地层水剖面测井精细解释方法研究

    Study on fine logging interpretation of complex formation water profile