
  • 网络anticlinorium
  1. 矿区位于兴宁复式背斜与那豆背斜之间的太平向斜,总体呈NW~SE向展布,区内主要发育有走向NE和NW两组断裂。

    The district is located on the Taiping syncline between the Xingning anticlinorium and the Nadou anticline , striking along NW-SE in the whole . Two groups of faults , striking in NE and NW , are developed in this area .

  2. 区域构造是一复式背斜,轴向北东&南西。

    There is an anticlinorium with the axial direction of northeast-southwest in the regional tectonics .

  3. 不同的地质环境形成喷出岩或侵入岩。侵位于北东向和平复式背斜东翼的寒武纪浅变质岩系,与围岩呈明显的侵入接触。

    Obvious intrusive contact is observed between the Cambrian epimetamorphic rock system intruding into the eastern flank of the NE Heping anticlinorium and surrounding rocks .

  4. 第二幕(北流运动)使云开复式背斜向西北推进,前陆盆地亦向西北侧迁移。

    The second phase ( Beiliu movement ) resulted in northwestward advance of the Yunkai anticlinorium and the foreland basin also migrated toward the northwest side ;

  5. 该矿床位于海洋山复式背斜南段的老厂穹窿构造核部,铅锌矿化受构造、地层和岩性控制。

    The deposit is situated at the core of Laochang dome of the southern section of Haiyangshan anticlinorium and its Pb-Zn mineralization is controlled by structures , strata and lithology .

  6. 整个盆山耦合系统的构造演化可划分为如下阶段:早古生代造山事件第一幕(郁南运动)形成云开复式背斜带,古博白前缘凹陷形成于其东南侧。

    The tectonic evolution of the whole basin-range system may fall into the following stages : the first phase ( Yunan movement ) of the Early Paleozoic orogenic event gave rise to the Yunkai anticlinorium , with the paleo-Bobai front depression formed at its southeast side ;

  7. 背斜形态多为复式箱状背斜和不对称的斜歪背斜,分别与断层弯曲背斜和断层扩展背斜的几何形态一致。

    The major morphology of the anticline is multiple box-shaped or asymmetry inclined , mostly , and it is similar to that of fault-bend fold and fault-propagation fold .