
  • 网络compound microbial fertilizer
  1. 复合微生物肥料在茄果类蔬菜上应用效果研究

    An Applied Effect Test of Compound Microbial Fertilizer on Eggplants and other Vegetables

  2. 连续两年的试验结果表明,复合微生物肥料在水稻上施用能延长水稻叶片的功能期,促进叶片光合作用,增加分蘖数,有效地提高亩穗数和结实率。

    Two years consecutive experiment indicates that applying compound microbial fertilizer can prolong the functional period of paddy leaf , promote leaf photosynthesis , increase new sprouts , and effectively enhance paddy spikes and seed rate .

  3. 复合微生物肥料小试生产及大田肥效试验

    Small-scale experimental production and efficiency test of compound microorganism fertilizer in the field

  4. 桂乐牌复合微生物肥料对甜玉米产量品质及土壤特性的影响

    Effects of GUILE Bio-fertilizer on the Yields and Quality of Sweet Maize and Characteristics of Soil

  5. 施用复合微生物肥料处理两年平均亩产量比不施肥处理、与其同养分含量的未接菌复合肥和等价值的普通复合肥分别增产36.2%、21.5%、16.5%。

    Compared with the treatments no-fertilizer , common compound fertilizer without microbe and common compound fertilizer , applying compound microbial fertilizer increases paddy yield by 36.2 % , 21.5 % , 16.5 % , respectively .

  6. 瓜菜专用型硅酸盐菌剂是一种复合型微生物肥料,它是在硅酸盐菌剂的基础上,根据瓜菜的喜肥特点和需肥特性,辅以适量微量元素研制而成的。

    The special silicate inocula for vegetable and melon is a kind of compound microbial fertilizer , which is made of silicate bacteria and some suitable trace elements based on the character of vegetable and melon .