  • barrel;bucket;commode;keg
  • barrel
  • 盛水或其他东西的器具,深度较大,用金属、木材或塑料等制成:水~。饭~。马~。塑料~。

  • 形状像桶的:皮~(做皮衣用的成件的毛皮)。


(圆形或方形器具) barrel; bucket; commode; keg; pail; tub:

  • 汽油桶

    petrol drum;

  • 粪[便]桶

    a dung tub; commode;

  • 水桶

    water bucket;

  • 桶装啤酒

    barrelled beer; draught beer


(一种容量单位) barrel:

  • 一桶牛奶

    a pail of milk;

  • 一桶汽油

    a barrel of petrol

  1. 用这软布把桶塞上。

    Use this wad of cloth to plug the barrel .

  2. 把桶推一下就轱辘过来了。

    Give the barrel a push and it 'll roll over here .

  3. 孩子们带上自己的桶和铲子到海滩去了。

    The children took their buckets and spades to the beach .

  4. 孩子们带着桶和铲子到海滩上去了。

    The children took their pails and shovels to the beach .

  5. 桶里的水洒出来了,洒了一地。

    Water had spilled out of the bucket onto the floor .

  6. 我用虹吸管把汽车里的汽油抽到桶里。

    I siphoned the gasoline out of the car into a can .

  7. 他们带着桶和铲子在沙滩上玩。

    They were playing on the beach with their buckets and spades .

  8. 桶里撒出了一些油漆。

    Some of the paint sloshed out of the can .

  9. 她把热水注入桶里。

    She ran hot water into the bucket .

  10. 卧室用了三桶涂料。

    The bedroom needed three tins of paint .

  11. 他们喝了两桶啤酒。

    They got through two barrels of beer .

  12. 屋顶漏雨,我不得不用桶来接。

    The roof was leaking and I had to use a bucket to catch the drips .

  13. 石油输出国组织的石油产量保持在每天约2,150万桶。

    OPEC production is holding at around 21.5 million barrels a day

  14. 这葡萄酒已经在橡木桶里存放近一年了。

    The wine is aged for almost a year in oak barrels .

  15. 他把纸揉成小团,扔进了垃圾桶。

    He screwed the paper small and chucked it in the bin .

  16. 该公司每天买卖约60万桶石油。

    The company buys and sells about 600,000 barrels of oil a day .

  17. 角落里那只未盖盖子的桶散发着臭味。

    The uncovered bucket in the corner stank .

  18. 她弯腰提起一个塑料桶。

    She bent and picked up a plastic bucket

  19. 除非这些问题得到解决,否则该地区会一直是个火药桶。

    Unless these questions are solved , the region will remain a powder keg .

  20. 一桶桶的玫瑰被撞翻在地。

    Buckets of roses had been knocked over .

  21. 它可能成为巴尔干地区的下一个火药桶。

    It could become the next Balkan flashpoint .

  22. 东西都被倒进不同颜色的桶里。

    The contents are emptied into color-coded buckets .

  23. 这些桶上贴着的骷髅标志引起了海关官员的怀疑。

    Skull and crossbones stickers on the drums aroused the suspicion of the customs officers .

  24. 英国垃圾桶里平均约有1/3是产品包装。

    Packaging is about a third of what is found in an average British dustbin .

  25. 协议规定,欧佩克每天的原油产量不得超过22,500,000桶。

    The agreement sets the ceiling of twenty-two-point-five million barrels a day on OPEC production .

  26. 我很讨厌那只钟,随手就把它扔进垃圾桶里了。

    I took a great dislike to the clock , so I chucked it in the dustbin

  27. 家庭热水澡桶或是小型涡流浴缸能够按摩并放松身体,可以安装在浴室中。

    Home spas or mini whirlpools massage and relax , and can be fitted into the bath .

  28. 她把一根塑料管放进嘴里,开始从一个巨大的金属桶里吸气。

    She puts a piece of plastic tubing in her mouth and starts siphoning gas from a huge metal drum

  29. 欧洲的普通家庭每年扔进垃圾桶的可再利用材料的价值高达3,000英镑。

    The average family in Europe throws as much as £ 3,000 worth of reusable materials into its dustbin each year .

  30. 她拿出盘子,茫然地望着上面已经干掉的食物,然后把它倒进了垃圾桶。

    She took out the plate , stared blankly at the dried-up food on it , and tipped it into the bin