
tǒnɡ zhuānɡ pí jiǔ
  • keg beer;barreled/draft beer
  1. 还提供桶装啤酒。

    Draught beer is available too .

  2. 啤酒爱好者应该去“更多啤酒”(BirraPiù),它既是酒吧也卖酒,供应Brewfist酿酒厂和埃米利亚诺酿酒厂(BirrificioEmiliano)的精酿桶装啤酒。

    Beer-drinkers should head to Birra Pi ù , a bottle shop and pub with craft beers from Brewfist and Birrificio Emiliano on tap .

  3. 最近,T2的餐食档次也提高了,引入了CroqueMadame快餐店和BKLYN啤酒花园,前者是大厨安德鲁·卡尔梅利尼(AndrewCarmellini)开设的法式三明治快餐店,后者提供桶装啤酒,菜单是大厨洛朗·图龙登(LaurentTourondel)设计的。

    Terminal 2 recently got a dining upgrade to include Croque Madame , a French sandwich spot from the chef Andrew Carmellini , and BKLYN Beer Garden with tap beers and a menu by Laurent Tourondel .

  4. 我喜欢生啤酒不喜欢桶装啤酒。

    I prefer draught beer to keg beer .

  5. 桶装啤酒,即所谓的散装啤酒,一般在冷藏条件下储存,不需进行巴氏灭菌。

    In the case of beer which is packaged in kegs ( so-called draft beer ), it is held under refrigeration and does not need pasteurization .

  6. 越来越多的垃圾从窗口和阳台上洒下来,半腐烂的水果,桶装啤酒,摔在地上发出硫磺臭味的鸡蛋。

    More refuse showered down from windows and balconies : half-rotted fruit , pails of beer , eggs that exploded into sulfurous stink when they cracked open on the ground .

  7. 该报补充道,餐厅也提供华夫饼干和桶装啤酒,并计划引进热狗和羊角面包,但用朝鲜名字写在菜单上。

    The newspaper added that the restaurant also serves waffles and draught beer , and is planning to introduce hot dogs and croissants to its menu , but with Korean names .

  8. 因此要将这家酿酒厂搬到装瓶厂附近肯定不是明智之举,但如今最大的问题是,需要一支500卡车的车队来转运桶装啤酒去装瓶,而这支车队占了如今布鲁日市商业交通运输总量的百分之八十五。

    So moving the brewery closer to the bottling plant is definitely not an option , but as it stands now , a fleet of 500 trucks is required to transport the beer from barrel to bottle , a fleet that accounts for 85 percent of Bruges 's current commercial traffic .

  9. 继续胡同酒吧漫步,便可来到附近的悠航鲜啤屋,它是一对美国夫妇两年前开的,供应十几种未经高温消毒的桶装啤酒,比如用当地养蜂场的蜂蜜酿制的舵手悠航蜜酿(40元)。

    Continue the hutong pub crawl at nearby Slow Boat Brewery Taproom , which was opened a little over two years ago by a pair of Americans and has more than a dozen unpasteurized beers on tap , such as Helmsman 's Honey Ale ( 40 renminbi ) brewed with honey from local bee farms .

  10. 然后沿着铁轨下方走到Dry-Dock,这是一家精致的海洋主题酒吧,窗户设计成舷窗的样子,可以在一个转盘上选择国内顶级的桶装手工啤酒。

    Then walk under the train tracks to Dry-Dock , a tiny nautical-themed bar with porthole windows and a rotating selection of top domestic craft beers on tap .

  11. 虽然越来越多的香港餐厅和酒吧提供桶装手工啤酒,但博达说很多餐厅都受到与大众市场酿酒厂专属协议的限制。啤酒机的安装和维护通常都是由这些大公司出钱。

    Though more Hong Kong restaurants and bars are offering craft beer on tap , Mr. Boda says many are restricted by exclusivity agreements with mass-market brewers , which often pay for the installation and maintenance of draft systems .

  12. 尝尝桶装的黑啤酒,它会使你有男子汉的气魄的。

    Drawn from a container , esp of beer from a barrel Try some draught Guinness ; it 'll put hairs on your chest .

  13. 隔着地窖的格子窗飘出走了气的黑啤酒味儿。尝尝桶装的黑啤酒,它会使你有男子汉的气魄的。

    From the cellar grating floated up the flabby gush of porter . Try some draught Guinness ; it 'll put hairs on your chest .