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  • Cornflour;Cornstarch;Starchy Flour
  1. 鱼柳均匀地沾上生粉,即下油锅中炸熟,至金黄色即取出沥去多馀油分;

    Coat the fish fillet evenly with cornstarch , deep-fry until golden brown , drain and set aside .

  2. 1大汤匙生粉倒进玻璃杯内。

    Pour 1 Tablespoon of cornflour into a glass .

  3. 有益元素Si、Na和Al的含量在三年生粉白色种子内为最低。

    Content of beneficial element Si , Na and Al was the lowest in Moderate matured triennial seed .

  4. 使用生粉。这样调料的的味道可以吸附在菜上。

    Use amylum , to let the fixings attach to the vegetable .

  5. 最后,论文对黑麦麸皮生粉乳酸发酵进行了研究。

    The fermentation of lactic acid by rye bran flour was studied here .

  6. 玉米生粉酒精发酵的研究

    Studies on Ethanol Fermentation with Raw Corn Flour

  7. 将鸡柳与盐、白胡椒粉、生粉和油拌匀。

    Mix sliced chicken fillet with salt , white pepper , cornflour and oil .

  8. 把上汤倒入热镬中,下半茶匙盐、2汤匙生粉,拌匀。

    Pour stock into heated wok.Add1/2 tsp of salt and2 tbsp of caltrop starch and mix well .

  9. 冶炼温度越高,高压水压力越大,所得生粉颗粒粒度越细。

    The higher smelting temperature and / or water pressure , the finer particle size of steel powders ;

  10. 结果表明,在化学成分方面,熟粉有较多的淀粉发生水解,且直链淀粉含量较生粉高;

    Cooked chestnut flour had lower content of starch and higher content of amylose than that of raw chestnut flour .

  11. 放入蛋黄一边搅拌,一边加入生粉,待凉。倒进姜汁拌匀。

    Add egg yolks . Keep stirring while adding in cornflour . Let cool . Pour in ginger juice . Mix well .

  12. 水锥角调整在一个适当角度范围内可获得粒度组成较好的生粉。

    When the atomization angle holds in a reasonable value 's range the obtained powder will have a better particle size distribution ;

  13. 制法:1.蛋白打至起泡,加入2茶匙生粉水、花奶,再打至起泡。

    Whisk egg whites until bubbles appear . Add 2 tsp of caltrop starch solution and evaporated milk . Whisk again until more bubbles appear .

  14. 电脑用透明粉云母板是我厂选用优质生粉云母纸配以适当的黏合剂,经高温压制而成的硬制云母板。

    The transparent mica plate for handheld computer , this product is made from excellent mica paper mixed with applicable resin after high temperature , high-pressure .

  15. 本课题采用正交试验法探讨了鸡脯肉、鸡骨泥、猪肥膘以及生粉对鸡骨肉丸的影响,确定了鸡骨泥肉丸的最佳配方。

    Factors influencing the quality of bone paste meatball were discussed by the orthogonal test , and the optimal formula of meatball was determined in this paper .

  16. 地瓜生粉培养高产酵母菌诱变条件的实验研究潮湿的、芬芳的、酵母发酵的面包,由黑麦面粉加糖密和桔皮制成。

    Study on Mutation Conditions of High Alcohol-producing Yeast Fermenting Sweet Potato Meal Medium a moist aromatic yeast-raised bread made with rye flour and molasses and orange rind .

  17. 调味:盐及糖1/4茶匙、生抽1/2茶匙、生粉1/4茶匙、油1/2茶匙。

    Seasonings : 1 / 4 tsp Salt and sugar , 1 / 2 tsp Light soya sauce , 1 / 4 tsp Cornstarch , 1 / 2 tsp Oil .

  18. 烧热镬下油炒韭菜,下盐,炒至六成熟,再下牛骨?回炒,埋生粉水芡上碟即成。

    Heat work and add oil . Stir fry chives with salt until 60 % cooked . Return ox bone marrow and stir fry . Thicken with cornflour solution and serve .

  19. 结论蜈蚣不必生粉入药,与其它五味药合煎时蛋白含量和聚丙烯凝胶色谱灰度值较高。多糖、皂苷、黄酮、生物碱可以被提取出来,含量有待进一步提高。

    The protein content or polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis gray values is higher when centipede is decocted with other flavors drug . Polysaccharides , saponins , flavonoids and alkaloids can be extracted from the compound .

  20. 鸡腿洗乾净,沥乾水份,用黄姜粉和盐略腌,备用。放入蛋黄一边搅拌,一边加入生粉,待凉。倒进姜汁拌匀。

    Wash chicken drumsticks . Drain . Marinate with turmeric powder and salt . Set aside . Add egg yolks . Keep stirring while adding in cornflour . Let cool . Pour in ginger juice . Mix well .

  21. 基质相对窑具的性能影响较大,硅线石的加入可以提高窑具的常温强度和高温强度,莫来石生粉加入可以提高窑具的抗热震性。

    The effect of matrix phase on the properties of kiln furniture is strong : the addition of Sillimanite can increase bend strength and high temperature strength of kiln furniture , and mullite powder addition may improve thermal shock resistance of kiln furniture .