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yā gài
  • gland
压盖[yā gài]
  1. CDL测井仪打捞工具结构简单,主要由锥度套、压盖短节和卡箍组成,工具下螺纹与铣筒连接,上与打捞钻具连接。

    The CDL tool is simple in structure , consisting of tapered housing , gland sub , and clamp collar . The lower threads of the tool connect with the milling tool , while the upper threads connect with fishing tool .

  2. 水泵填料压盖的改进探讨

    Probe into the Improvement of the Pump 's Packing Gland

  3. 啤酒灌装压盖机PLC控制系统设计

    The PLC Control Design for Beer-bottling and Cover processor Unit

  4. PLC在啤酒灌装压盖机上的应用

    The Application of PLC in the Beer Filled and Sealed Cap Machine

  5. 高大平房仓粮面PEF压盖隔热试验

    Application of PEF to grain surface for insulation heat in large warehouse

  6. 阀杆采用V型填料密封结构,V型填料能将填料压盖的压紧力及介质力有效地转化成阀杆的密封力。

    V type packing structure has been employed to effectively transform the pushing force of the gland flange and the medium pressure into the sealing force against the stem .

  7. 采用Pro/E软件的有限元分析模块,对XK35-17型旋转控制头的主要受力部件壳体、旋转总成外壳、中心管和轴承压盖进行了有限元强度校核。

    The main parts bearing the loads , such as shell body , rotary assembly shell , center pipe and bearing pressing cover , have been carried through with finite element intension check using the structure module of the Pro / E software .

  8. 本试验选用聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料和GR6作为隔热材料进行粮面压盖隔热保冷试验。

    Polystyrene foamed plastics and GR6 used to cover the surface of grain bulk for insulation heat were tested .

  9. 其灌装工作原理与TZ50型相同,特增加了卡口定位和自动压盖系统,使灌装和压盖功能轻松实现。

    Its filling principle is the same as that of TZ50 , specially added with sealing positioning and automatic capping system , allowing realizing the filling and capping functions easily .

  10. 活塞压盖式填料轴封新结构关于填料压盖式轴封设计方法的建议

    A New Construction Shaft Seal Suggestions on Design of Packing Glands

  11. 换你听听我,透过我头上压盖的乱石头。

    You hear me instead , through stones on my head .

  12. 消除阀压盖铸件气孔缺陷的工艺改进

    Improving Foundry Method to Eliminate Blow-Hole Defect of Valve Cover Casting

  13. 高大房式仓粮面压盖隔热试验

    Test of insulation heat of grain surface in large warehouse

  14. 超压盖层封烃能力的定量研究

    Quantitative Study on Sealing Ability of Ultra & Pressure Caprock

  15. 减少压盖真空淬火变形的措施

    Measurement of Reducing Vacuum Quenching Deformation for Press Cover Parts

  16. 没有填料压盖,这些通径的阀门只有填料。

    No packing gland , packing only in these sizes .

  17. 基于出版的地图要素设色与压盖关系处理

    Publishing Based Coloring of Map Elements and Overlapping Relation Building

  18. 法兰压盖类零件的应力分析

    Study on Stress of Parts Such as Flange and Gland

  19. 闸阀阀杆螺母与轴承压盖结构的改进

    Improvement on the structure between gate valve stem nut and bearing gland

  20. 金属滚压盖滚压封头的改进设计

    The New Design of the Sealing Device with Roll-on Cap

  21. 切勿使用过大的压盖载荷来压挤盘根。

    Do not jam the packing by excessive gland loading .

  22. 液体包装生产流水线中压盖机的设计

    Design of the Capper for Liquid Packing Production Line

  23. 120头啤酒灌装压盖机传动系统的设计

    A Design of Transmission System for 120 Heads Beer Filling and Capping Machine

  24. 压盖落料冲孔成形模设计

    Design of Blanking - piecing-forming Die for Pressure Cap

  25. 膨胀管中膨胀锥角与液压力关系研究膨胀接头的填料压盖

    Study of Relationship between Expansion Cone and Fluid Pressure

  26. 弹簧压盖注射模设计

    Design of Injection Mold for the Spring Pressed Cover

  27. 矿车三角压盖冷冲模具的设计

    Design of the cold die of the triangle gland of the mine car

  28. 蛭石压盖粮面安全储粮研究

    Research on grain safe storage through covering surface of grain bulks with vermiculite

  29. 低压冷却剂再循环系统活塞冷却填料函压盖

    Low pressure coolant recirculation system piston cooling gland

  30. 含气饮料灌装压盖机新型测控系统

    The New Monitor and Control System of Filling and Capping Machine for Carbonated Drinks