
  • 网络filter press;French Press Pot
  1. 将压滤法应用于银泥洗涤工艺,既节省了设备投资,又避免了设备腐蚀。

    Investment in equipment is reduced and corrosion is eliminated by application of filter pressing in Ag slurry rinsing .

  2. 讨论了硝酸镁溶液再生时所采用的两种方法:沉降法和压滤法。

    Two kinds of methods for the regeneration of magnesium nitrate solution are discussed , which are precipitation method and filter-press method .

  3. 填料粒子最大填充率的压滤测定法

    A Pressure Filtration Method for the Determination of the Maximum Fill Factor of Filling Particle

  4. 介绍压滤机法治理电石渣浆工艺及由此获得的可观的经济效益。

    The process of treating carbide slag slurry with press filter is introduced as well as the great economic benefits received from it .

  5. 有些人用“法式压滤型咖啡壶”来称呼它。1993年,弗洛伦斯·法布里肯特(FlorenceFabricant)对《纽约时报》的读者们解释说,“法式压滤法”是行家们的最爱。

    others used the phrase " French plunger-type . " In 1993 , Florence Fabricant explained the " French-press method " to readers of The New York Times as a favorite of connoisseurs .