
  • 网络Industrial sulfuric acid;industrial sulphuric acid;Sulfuic Acid.Technical
  1. ICP-AES方法快速测定工业硫酸中的砷和铁含量

    The Determination of Micro Amount of Arsenic and Iron in Industrial Sulphuric Acid by ICP-AES Method

  2. 原子荧光光谱法测定工业硫酸中砷含量

    The Method of Atom Fluorescence Spectrum for the Determination of the Arsenic Elements Content in Industrial Sulphuric Acid

  3. BP神经网络预测软锰矿与黄铁矿干法制取工业硫酸锰最佳条件的研究

    BP Artificial Neural Network Calculating Optimum Conditions for Dry Preparation of Manganese Sulfate by Roasting Pyrolusite and Pyrite

  4. EDTA结合滴定法测定工业硫酸镍中镍

    The measurement of nickel in nickel sulfate by EDTA complexometric titration

  5. 由工业硫酸钛液制备TiO2纳米粒子

    Preparation of TiO_2 Nanocrystalline Particles from Industrial Titanium Sulphate Solution

  6. ICP-AES测定工业硫酸中的铁、砷、铅和汞

    Determination of Fe , As , Pb and Hg in Sulfuric Acid by ICP-AES

  7. 黄金茶中砷、汞、镉、铅的含量测定ICP-AES法测定工业硫酸中的铅铁砷汞

    Determination of Heavy Metals in Gold Tea Determination of Pb , Fe , As , Hg in Industrial Sulfuric Acid by ICP-AES

  8. 利用工业硫酸钛液,添加正丙醇,通过水热法制备出粒度分布较窄、单分散性较好,平均粒径86nm左右、形貌较为规则的正六边形的锐钛矿型TiO2纳米粒子;

    The TiO2 fine particles with an average grain size of 86 nm were prepared through hydrothermal reaction of the industrial titanium sulphate solution by adding the CH3CH2CH2OH ;

  9. 研究了EDTA络合滴定法测定工业硫酸镍中镍含量,可代替丁二酮肟重量法。

    The EDTA complexometric titration method of measuring the content of nickel in industrial nickel sulfate is studied . It can substitute for butanedione weight method .

  10. 结果表明:其所制成的CIM催化剂的性能与用工业硫酸铜和硫酸镍为原料制的CIM催化剂的性能相同。

    The results showed that the properties of this grease hydrogenation catalyst were similar to those of the one produced by industrial copper sulfate and nickel sulfate .

  11. 在不使用有机模板剂的条件下,以工业硫酸钛溶液为原料合成了高热稳定的锐钛矿型介孔TiO2-SO4~(2-)。

    Mesoporous anatase TiO_2-SO_4 ~ ( 2 - ) with high thermal stability was synthesized without organic templates .

  12. 研究了用Ni-Sn-Fe合金废料生产工业硫酸镍和锡酸钠的生产工艺流程。

    This paper researches a process of producing industrial nickel sulfate and sodium stannate from Ni Sn Fe alloy scrap .

  13. 工业硫酸镍除钴工艺研究

    Study on Process of Removal of Cobalt from Industrial Nickel Sulfate

  14. 工业硫酸镁标准中主含量测定方法的改进

    Improvement on main content determination method in industrial magnesium sulfate standard

  15. 工业硫酸中铁含量的快速测定法

    A Rapid Method of Determining the Content of Iron in Sulfuric Acid

  16. 工业硫酸镁制备高纯氧化镁的合成研究

    Research on Preparation of High-purity MgO by Commercial Magnesium Sulfate

  17. 工业硫酸铜的生产方法浅议

    A Brief Talk on the Method of Production of Industry Cupric Sulfate

  18. 炼油厂酸性气直接制取工业硫酸技术催化裂化加工含硫原油的技术

    Process Technology of the Sour Crude Oil With Catalytic Cracking

  19. 提出了芒硝钡卤法生产工业硫酸钡中三废的治理方法。

    The method of deal with the three discard is brought up .

  20. 新增产出大大高于所增加的原料投入,是一种非常值得推广应用的工业硫酸锰生产新工艺。

    It is a novel production technic of industrial manganese sulfate with prospective application .

  21. 两矿干法制取工业硫酸锰的实验研究两矿加浓硫酸熟化法生产硫酸锰

    Study on Production of Manganese Sulfate by Dry Processes Method With Pyrolusite and Iron Pyrites

  22. 钛白废酸生产工业硫酸镁专利技术前景分析

    Application prospect of the patent technology of producing magnesium sulfate with titanium white waste acid

  23. 利用稀土尾矿的分选产品&高岭土精矿生产工业硫酸铝

    Technological studies on producing industrial aluminium sulfate from kaolin minerals separated from rare earths tailing

  24. 采用酸性蚀刻废液与碱性蚀刻废液混合沉铜的方法,生产工业硫酸铜。

    We have produced industrial copper sulphate by using acid etching waste liquor and basicity etching waste liquor .

  25. 工业硫酸亚铁对A~2/O氧化沟除磷效果的影响

    Research on the Effect of Phosphorus Removal of A ~ 2 / O Oxidation Ditch Through Adding Industrial Green Vitriol

  26. 以工业硫酸氧钛为钛源,采用复合模板合成路线,分别于超声,微波和水热外场作用下合成了介孔二氧化钛前驱体。

    The precursors of mesoporous titania were synthesized via composite templates route from industrial TiOSO_4 solution under ultrasonic , microwave and hydrothermal field effect .

  27. 介绍应用高质量浓度含铜废液制取工业硫酸铜与海绵铜的工艺方法和流程。

    Technological methods and processes for the preparation of commercial copper sulfate and sponge copper with the high concentration copper waste solution are introduced .

  28. 以工业硫酸水解酒糟蛋白质,用石灰乳中和除酸,提取复合氨基酸及微量元素。

    Polyamino acids and trace elements were extracted by hydrolyzing distiller 's grains with industrial sulphuric acid and neutralizing the acid with milk of lime .

  29. 介绍了用钛白废硫酸制工业硫酸锰的生产工艺及采用该工艺可获取的良好环境效益和经济效益。

    This paper introduced a manufacturing process of manganese sulfate with titanium white waste sulfuric acid , and good environmental and economic benefit were obtained .

  30. 重点介绍了用此矿采用加压工艺生产工业硫酸铝的工艺过程、产品质量、推广应用前景。

    The process of producing industrial aluminium sulfate from gangue under high pressure is stressed , the quality of product and its application tend are also stated .