
  • 网络University of Engineering and Technology;University of Engineering & Technology;UTEC;Technical University of Denmark
  1. 自从1995年毕业于拉合尔工程技术大学(UniversityofEngineeringandTechnology,Lahore)电子工程专业以后,他就开始为工业控制系统设计各种软件解决方案。

    After graduating in Electronics Engineering from the University of Engineering and Technology , Lahore , in1995 , he began designing software solutions for industrial control systems .

  2. 上海工程技术大学艺术设计学院学生包装设计作品选

    Packaging Designs by Students from the Design School of Shanghai Polytechnics

  3. 上海工程技术大学网站设计与特色分析

    Design and feature analysis of website of Shanghai University of Engineering Science

  4. 辽宁工程技术大学葫芦岛校区景观环境规划设计

    Landscape environment planning and design of Hulu Island campus of Liaoning Technical University

  5. 辽宁工程技术大学新校区规划设计的思索

    Consideration About Plan Design Of The New School Area Of Liaoning Engineering Technology College

  6. 上海工程技术大学纺织学院图书馆的建筑设计与使用

    The architectural design and using of Textile Institute Library of Shanghai Engineering Technology Science University

  7. 特色校园空间的建构&上海工程技术大学松江新校区总体规划

    Construction of Flavorful Campus Space : Overall Planning for the Songjiang Campus of Shanghai University of Engineering Science

  8. 辽宁工程技术大学采矿工程专业开设了专题讲演课程。

    For this , the course ' special subject lecture ' was set up for coal mining engineering profession in our university .

  9. 本文以辽宁工程技术大学校园网络的研究与设计为实例,探讨了建立校园网络过程中的若干环节,并给出了一定的原则与方法。

    The thesis researches on the ways and principle of founding campus network with presenting an example of designing and researching on Liaoning Engineering and Technigue University campus network ( LNTUNET ).

  10. 本研究随机选取上海工程技术大学2004级艺术体操专项本科生40人,其中20人为实验组,20人为对照一组;

    This research selects by examinations 40 2004 grade university students of The university of engineering technique with the machine in Shanghai , among them 20 students in experiment team , 20 in the first comparison team ;

  11. 本研究以上海工程技术大学、华东政法大学、上海海事大学、上海海洋大学、上海理工大学、上海中医药大学等高校的体育教师为研究对象。

    This research by the technical university in shanghai , procuratorial and judicial university , shanghai maritime university , shanghai maritime university , shanghai polytechnics and colleges shanghai university of Chinese medicine for the sports teacher for study .

  12. 借鉴辽宁工程技术大学在矿井通风仿真及流体网络方面的研究方法,结合郑州市管网建模工程,详细地探讨了管网仿真建模的基本理论。

    Drawing lessons from Liaoning Technical University research technique of ventilation of coal pits simulation and fluid network , combining the pipe network modeling project of Zhengzhou , Discussing the basic theories of simulation modeling of the pipe network in detail .

  13. 世界上不论发达国家和发展中国家的任何一个省份,如果没有工程技术为主的工科大学提供支持,其经济发展是难以可持续的。

    No provinces in the world of both the north and the south can make economic development sustainable without the support of the universities majoring engineering .