
  • 网络industrial machines
  1. 中国的工业机器现在不仅在为硬商品定价,而且也为一软列软商品(softcommodity)和食品定价。

    The industrial machines are now not only setting prices for hard commodity but also for series of soft commodity and food .

  2. 基本上那只是一个制造工业机器的工厂。

    There was basically a factory of industrial machines .

  3. 看上去好像没什么能阻止这些无情的工业机器了。

    It seemed that nothing could stop this relentless industrial machine .

  4. 用于工业机器设计的安全性分析模式及方法研究

    Study on Model and Methods for Safety Analysis in the Design of Industrial Machine

  5. 为此,推荐了一种用于工业机器的安全分析模式;

    A model for safety analysis is recommended .

  6. 工业机器也属职业事故的重要危险源之一。

    Industrial machine is also one of the important hazard sources of occupational accident .

  7. 俄国人系统地拆除并运回了这个地区的工业机器。

    The Russians systematically dismantled and shipped home much of the region 's industrial machinery .

  8. 传统的线阵图像传感器只有一维感光像素阵列,以扫描的方式获得二维的图像,一般应用在需要高分辨率的卫星拍摄、医疗成像和工业机器视觉等领域。

    Line-scan image sensor uses a one-dimension pixel array to capture 2D image in a scaning method .

  9. 而与传统的产品如汽车,飞机和工业机器形成了鲜明的对比。

    That strikes quite a juxtaposed image compared to traditional products like cars , planes and industrial machines .

  10. 这些工业机器依仗这自己生产的材料来存活着,这一视角极大的影响这个小阿的种种设计。

    These industrial machines , along with the material they produce , greatly influence the design of this home .

  11. GB/T11348.3-1999旋转机械转轴径向振动的测量和评定第3部分:耦合的工业机器

    Mechanical vibration of non-reciprocating machines & Measurements on rotating shafts and evaluation criteria Part 3 : Coupled industrial machines

  12. 这样的经理都是公司各部门的专家,好比是工业机器中不可缺少的齿轮。

    These executives , expert in every phase of corporate activity , became the indispensable cogs in the industrial machine .

  13. 此方法适用于处理速度要求非常高的工业机器视觉中特征边界的边界获取。

    This kind of way suits characteristic edge detection in the industry machinery vision area which requires very high processing speed .

  14. 他们的私营雇主三和盛科技电子厂,只不过是日本输往中国南方的庞大工业机器上的一个齿轮。

    Their privately held employer is but one cog in the vast industrial engine Japan Inc has transported to southern China .

  15. 尤吉斯的故事是一篇充满呻吟和泪水的故事,是资本主义工业机器摧残不幸的人们的故事。

    The story of Jurgis is a story of groans and tears , of poor human beings destfoyed by the capitalist industrial machine .

  16. 农民们很久以前就抛弃了这些田地--许多人去挖钻石,没有围墙,没有警卫,没有工业机器。

    Farmers abandoned these fields long ago --- many to dig for diamonds , no fences , no guards , no industrial machinery .

  17. 在其设计时,有效地进行安全性分析是消除和控制工业机器中存在的固有危险的最佳途径。

    To effectively carry out the safety analysis during the design period is an optimal approach to eliminating or controlling the inherent hazard in industrial machine .

  18. 它也提醒我们那些设计和操作工业机器和厂房的建筑师和工程师需要留意微生物对他们工作的侵扰。

    It also reminds us that architects and engineers who design and operate industrial machinery and buildings need to be aware of the microbiological implications of their work .

  19. 香港十大产品分别是成衣、电子产品、纺织品、钟表、印刷品、塑胶制品、金属制品、饮食品、工业机器和珠宝首饰。

    The top ten products in Hong Kong are ready-made clothes , electronic products , textile , watches , print , plastic products , metal products , drinks , industrial machinery and jewelry .

  20. 在12岁的时候,奈特研制了一个自停装置。如果一些东西阻碍了工业机器,自停装置会让它们自动停止,这预防了很多事故。

    At the age of 12 , Knight had developed a stop-motion device that would automatically bring industrial machines to a halt if something was caught on them , which prevented many injuries ;

  21. 标定结果的好坏直接影响着三维测量的精度和三维重建的效果,同时标定的实时性可以更好的满足导航等工业机器视觉的需要。

    Calibration results have a direct impact on the accuracy of 3D measuring and the effect of 3D reconstruction , while real-time calibration can meet the needs of industrial machine vision of navigation .

  22. 制造制造或加工产品,尤指大批量用工业机器生产小批试制条件下加工工艺对缸盖气门密封带质量影响的研究

    To make or process goods , especially in large quantities and by means of industrial machines . Explore on the Influence of the Race Sealing Taper Quality in Different Technological Parameter under the Condition of Pre-production Low-volume

  23. 适应工业机器视觉系统的物件检测需要,针对多值模板匹配导出了详细的计算公式,实现了模式匹配实时应用快速计算,针对目标物体位置检测提出极大值点快速检出算法。

    In order to satisfy the needs of the practical applications of machine vision to object detection in the industry , an elaborative formula was developed in this study to implement a fast computation of real-time pattern matching in that the issues of multi-value pattern matching can be resolved .

  24. 对于其他国家来说,那只不过是一座位于格鲁吉亚,曾为苏维埃提供工业机器的城镇。这座城镇建于1940年,负责为苏维埃提供煤炭,之后就这样一直存在下去。

    To the rest of the world , these are just the remains of another Georgian town that supplied the Soviet industrial machine.The town was constructed back in the 1940s to supply coal to the Soviets . As such , it was built to last long into the future .

  25. 具体性能可按客户要求设计,工业用机器手臂。

    Specific performance can design according to customer 's requirement , planet gear box .

  26. 本文介绍一种适用于工业现场机器设备管理的机器状态数据采集系统。

    In the paper , a machine condition data collecting system for industrial machine management is introduced .

  27. 城市的兴起是同手工业向机器生产的过渡密切相关的。

    The rise of the city is intimately associated with the transition from handicraft to machine industry .

  28. 多层工业厂房机器上楼竖向振动反应计算

    The theories on computing the vertical vibration responses caused by machines on the floor of multi story factory buildings

  29. 工业包括机器制造业,石油和其他的开采,石油的冶炼,纺织品的生产以及化学品的处理。

    Industries include machine manufacture , petroleum and other mining , petroleum refining , textile production , and chemical processing .

  30. 铜及其合金材料被广泛地应用于电子工业、机器制造、军事工业、农业等经济领域,是现代工业、农业、国防和科学技术必需的金属材料。

    Copper is widely utilized in the fields such as electronic industry , machinery , military and agriculture and is definitely indispensable to modernization for a country .