
gōng qiǎo
  • exquisite;skillful;fine
工巧 [gōng qiǎo]
  • [exquisite;fine;skilful] 细致、精巧(多用于指工艺品或诗文、书画)

  • 文不与前相似,安得名佳好,称工巧。--《论衡.自纪》

  • 工巧易为材。--《韩诗外传》

工巧[gōng qiǎo]
  1. 剪纸粗犷,又不同江南的工巧、写实。

    Paper-cut rough , but also different Jiangnan Gongqiao , realism .

  2. 具体说,中国古典园林中的工笔艺术处理手法主要表现在其园林建筑和建筑装饰的工巧和精致。

    The fine brushwork in traditional Chinese gardens was expressed by the delicacy of the structures and decorations ;

  3. 材美工巧在我国传统文化中是一种比较突出的造物思想,它在《考工记》中占据着显赫的地位。

    " Beautiful material and clever men " in our country traditional culture is one kind of quite prominent divine creative force thought .

  4. 就作品的风格而言,朱熹强调质朴自然、平淡而有韵味,反对工巧华丽。

    It works in terms of style , Zhu Xi emphasizes the simple naturally , insipid and have lasting appeal against interpreting luxuriant .

  5. 第二章艺术风格论张华诗歌的艺术风格是“清丽工巧”。

    Chapter one , the view of artistic characteristic The artistic of ZhangHua 's poesy is smoothization of emotion and exquisitezation of object .

  6. 历经千百年的洗礼,诗歌语言简洁洗练、韵律严谨、对仗工巧。

    Tempered by thousands of years , the poetic language is concise , the meters are precise and the antithesis is neatly formed .

  7. 篇幅既远多于四库之著录,内容又正反映了四六文在写作上由北宋之淡雅自然,渐变为南宋之工巧繁碎,而在社会应用方面又日渐实用化的趋向。

    The length of the book far exceed the Si Ku edition , and the content represents the social trend of ordinary application as well as the change of writing styles from North-Song Dynasty to South-Song Dynasty .

  8. 另外,材美工巧造物思想的产生并不是偶然的,它的出现与我国春秋战国时期特殊的社会与自然环境是密不可分的。

    Moreover , the formation of the " beautiful material and clever men " design thought is not accidental . Its appearance with our country Spring and Autumn Period Warring States time special nature and the social environment is inseparable .