
  1. 在1995-961996-97两年,他执教于金洲勇士。

    He coached Golden State for two seasons , 1995-96 and 1996-97 .

  2. 绿色经营理念与可持续发展&金洲集团股份有限公司环境保护的调查与思考

    Green Managing Idea and Sustainable Development ── Investigation and Thinking of Environmental Protection in Jinzhou Group

  3. 山东金洲矿业集团有限公司

    Shandong Jinzhou Mining Group

  4. 湖南宁乡经济开发区目前可供用地15平方公里,金洲新区目前可供用地达40平方公里。

    At present , the land able to be used is15km2 in Hunan Ningxiang Economic Development Zone , and40km2 in Golden Oasis .

  5. 就像周五晚94-108输给杜兰特和金洲勇士队的比赛中一样,杜兰特完胜了这位23岁的年轻小伙。

    Such was the case in Friday night 's 108-94 loss to Kevin Durant and the Golden State Warriors , as Durant got the best of the 23-year-old .

  6. 介绍了山东金洲矿业集团有限公司强化经营管理的成功经验,并指出了促进黄金矿山企业经济发展新途径。

    The successful experience of intensified management by Jinzhou Mining Industrial Ltd Co. of Shandong province is introduced and the new approach to the economic flourish of gold mine is put forward .

  7. 在上赛季波士顿唯一一次造访金洲的比赛中,欧文试图从格林的左路突破,但是这位大个子总能够及时防守归位拦阻欧文。

    During Boston 's lone visit to Golden State last season , Irving tried to drive to Green 's left , but the big man was able to shuffle along and deny him .