
  • 网络Golden roof;gold dome
  1. 走到阳台上,俯瞰城外宏伟的金色屋顶修道院,四周闪闪发光的雪峰映入眼帘。

    Stepping onto a balcony that overlooks the great golden-roofed monastery outside the town , I see a glint of snowy peaks all around .

  2. 韩佳:据说这金色的屋顶上。

    They say , on the golden ceiling .

  3. 东南面可以看到故宫金色的屋顶和红色的高墙。

    To the south east one can see the yellow roofs and vermilion-walled buildings of the Forbidden City .

  4. 论屋顶花园空间再生设计&以江阴市金色家园屋顶花园设计为例

    Discussion on Regenerative Design of Roof Garden Space & Roof Garden Design of Golden House in Jiangyin as Example

  5. 耶路撒冷旧城里有一个金色的屋顶,那是圆顶清真寺,它的兴建缘于一位哈里发的命令,但建筑师们在很大程度上借鉴了拜占庭时期基督教建筑风格。

    The Dome of the Rock , whose golden roof shines from the Old City of Jerusalem , was built on the command of a Muslim caliph & but its architects drew heavily on Byzantine Christian models .

  6. 皇宫的金色琉璃瓦屋顶在北京的阳光下散发着光辉。

    The gold-tiled roofs of the imperial palaces glowed in the Peking sun .