
jīn ɡuā
  • pumpkin
金瓜 [jīn guā]
  • [an ancient weapon] 古代兵器,棒端呈瓜形,金色。后来用作卫士执的仪仗

  1. 崇明金瓜贮藏期病害综合防治技术研究

    Study on integrated disease control of Chongming pumpkin in storage period

  2. 在两根中柱上部内侧刻有两尊门神,手持金瓜,相对而立。

    The inside of the columns at the two carved two door gods , holding pumpkin , relative standing .

  3. 将军挥舞着金瓜,一下就把那人打死了。

    The general beat the man to death with a hammer .

  4. 珠宝店和中日风味的餐厅挤满了金瓜石的街道。

    Jewelry shops and restaurants featuring Chinese and Japanese cuisine crowded the streets .

  5. 金瓜种质资源加工性状主成分与聚类分析

    Principle Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis of Spaghetti Squash of the Processing Quality Traits

  6. 然而仅隔两公里之遥、更为古老的矿业城镇&金瓜石却是一片沉静与死寂。

    But Chinkuashi , an older mining town just two kilometers away , remains still and silent .

  7. 并藉由环境心理学观点来探讨金瓜石聚落老人与居住环境之互动关系。

    And the affiliation environmental psychology viewpoint discuss in settlement of Chinkuashih and the environment interaction of relations .

  8. 看到制式锤我有个问题:图中的铜锤是否就是侍卫用的金瓜?

    I have a question that whether this copper hammer in pics is the golden hammer used by guard ?

  9. 冷激处理对金瓜有一定的防腐保鲜效果,且其失重率也较低。

    Cold shock treatment has some effect on the preservation of marrow squash , and the weight loss was low .

  10. 由于坐落在蔚蓝碧海旁的峭壁上又被群山环抱,金瓜石在视觉与感觉上,都像一处偏远的前哨站。

    Perched on a cliff above the blue-green sea and surrounded by mountains , it looks and feels like a remote outpost .