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  • 网络Dependent Origination and the Emptiness of Nature
  1. 佛教传入中国之初因受魏晋玄学的影响,主张缘起性空的般若学获得了很大的发展空间。

    Impacted by the metaphysics in Wei and Jin dynasties when Buddhism was introduced into China in the early stage , the Prajna study in Buddhism which maintains the theory of dependent origination and the Emptiness of Nature had found its great development .

  2. 象数易学受到佛教缘起性空理论的批判,但南北朝佛教仍利用易学象数来说明现象世界。

    At that time , the image-numberology was criticized by Buddhist scholars , who still took use of image-numberology to explicate the phenomenal realm .

  3. 本文从佛教的诸行无常、缘起性空和因缘果报、业感轮回三个方面论述了颜之推对佛教义理的吸收。

    Yan Zhitui 's understanding of Buddhism is anylized from three aspects of impermanence , the origin and fate of the empty spirit , and transmigration .

  4. 这个人如果觉悟了宇宙万法的真相,即缘起性空的法理,由此法理聚集所成之身就叫做法身。

    If the person understands the truth of all the dharmas in the universe , i.e.the doctrine of Dependent-Arising and Emptiness , his body that has accumulated doctrines is called dharma-kaya .