
yuán fèn
  • Predestination;lot or luck by which people are brought together
缘分 [yuán fèn]
  • [lot or luck by which people are brought together] 机缘。某种必然存在的相遇的机会和可能

  • 却是除了老太太,别的也服侍不来,不晓得前世什么缘分儿。--《红楼梦》

缘分[yuán fèn]
  1. 咱俩又在一起了,真是有缘分。

    So we 're together again . It must be fate .

  2. 茫茫的人海中,相识,其实,就是缘分……

    It must be fate to get acquainted in a huge crowd of people …

  3. 他们结婚是缘分。

    It was destined that they would marry .

  4. 微软(Microsoft)也在计划提供冷冻卵子福利,但只提供给那些不主动要求的女性,因为它是按“缘分”发放。

    Microsoft is planning to offer the perk but only to women who don 't ask for it as it will be delivered by karma .

  5. 其实她的意思是缘分加上百度(Baidu)。与北京其它许多公司一样,这家中国科技巨擘赞助约会活动和单身俱乐部,保持其年轻的员工队伍快乐和忠诚。

    That is , fate plus Baidu , the Chinese tech giant that , like many other companies in Beijing , sponsors dating events and singles clubs to keep its young workforce happy and loyal .

  6. 我想我和他的缘分到了尽头。

    I think now it 's the end of our love .

  7. 我们走在一起是缘分,一起走在是幸福。

    Us together is the fate , with walking a happy .

  8. 难道你每天呆在家里缘分就会来吗?

    Do you stay at home every day fate will come ?

  9. 可有时,缘分就是这么奇妙。

    But sometimes , for no apparent reason , it happens .

  10. 影视与文学向来有着很深的缘分。

    Film and literature has always been a deep fate .

  11. 感谢英语&让结下这一段缘分。

    Thank you , English , making possible this gathering of us .

  12. 看起来跟中国很有缘分噢!

    It appears to have a good relation with China !

  13. 对此,汉语里有个说法叫做“缘分”。

    The Chinese have an expression for it ," yuan fen " .

  14. 你与我在一起是一种缘分。

    You and I together is a kind of fate .

  15. 我们来自全国各地,走到一起是一种缘分。

    Everybody comes from each place , arrives together is a fate .

  16. 这恐怕就是人们常说的那个“缘分”吧!

    Probably this is what people called " lot " .

  17. 也许只是擦肩而过,我们得到缘分至此

    Perhaps only to narrowly miss the opportunity , we have fate now

  18. 谢谢你的关心,但缘分不能强求。

    Thanks for your concern , but you can 't force fate .

  19. 茫茫人海,你能嫁给我难道不是缘分吗?

    Isn 't it God 's will that we married each other ?

  20. 是一种相遇,是一种缘分。

    Is a meeting , is a kind of luck .

  21. 显然没甚么缘分。

    We 're very clearly not meant for one another .

  22. 可能是缘分,我们之后就成了好朋友。

    I like his smile which let me feel friendly .

  23. 我相信这是我们的缘分,我们的默契!

    I believe that this is our luck and privity !

  24. 缘分的天空本来就是如此简单。

    The sky of friendship is just so simple essentially .

  25. 音乐是一种缘分,把大家系在一起。

    Music is a kind of a fate that ties everyone together .

  26. 2010年,四川又与中国丝绸文化结下了新的缘分。

    By2010 , sichuan and Chinese silk culture forged a new predestination .

  27. 我们又在一起了,真是有缘分。

    So we are together again , and it must be fate .

  28. 只怪我们没有缘分。

    Only blame me didn 't decree by destiny .

  29. 玛雅:好啦,你把我的缘分水准都降低啦。

    Maya : come on , you are ruining my karma level here .

  30. 上天为什么开这种玩笑来试探我们的缘分。

    Why did the God play this joke to sound out our love ?