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  1. 因水而润缘山钟灵&创造多元的滨江山地城市广场环境艺术

    The Creation of Diverse Square Environment Arts in River Bordering and Mountainous Cities

  2. 青藏高原南北缘山盆岩石圈尺度的构造关系;

    To explain the tectonic-geological relationship at a mountain-basin lithosphere scale in the northern and southern margin of the plateau ;

  3. 历年来,缘山与加州的这些信誉良好的葡萄园签定了长期协议,以确保货源和质量的稳定性。

    Over the years , Round Hill signed long term contracts with growers in these finer wine-growing regions of California to assure a consistent quality .

  4. 四川盆地西缘中低山土壤质量研究及利用措施探讨

    Study of Soil Quality Evaluation and Soil Utilization Measure in Western Middle-Low Mountains of Sichuan Basin

  5. 华北地台北缘亮甲山组地层中发育有六种碳酸盐米级旋四层序;

    Six types of the metre-scale carbonate cycles are recognized in the Ordovician Liangjiashan Formation on northern North China platform .

  6. 首次对鄂尔多斯盆地西北缘桌子山地区中奥陶世拉什仲组的遗迹化石进行了系统研究。

    Trace fossils from the Middle Ordovician Lashizhong Formation in Zhuozishan , the northwest margin of Ordos Basin are studied systematically .

  7. 本文以四川盆地西缘中低山坡地为研究区域,根据实际地貌特征分别选取三个典型山体、两个典型土壤类型。

    This essay takes middle-low mountains in the western edge of Sichuan basin as the research area , and selects three typical mountains and two soil types according to the practical geomorphic features .

  8. 本文报道了鄂尔多斯盆地西缘,桌子山、贺兰山地区中石炭统羊虎沟组介形类化石10属27种(包括9新种、2未定属种)。

    This paper deals with the Middle Carboniferous ostracod fauna from the western border area of the Ordos Basin . Twenty-seven species belonging to 10 genera were identified .

  9. 金平地区玄武岩分布于扬子克拉通西南缘哀牢山深大断裂南西侧。

    The flood basalts in the Jinping area are distributed along the SW side of Ailaoshan deep-situated structure zone which located in the southwest margin of Yangtze craton .

  10. 华北地台北缘中生代盆&山的耦合转移及其动力学分析

    Coupling and transition of the Mesozoic basin mountain on the northern edge of North China platform and its dynamics analysis

  11. 首先是西北缘:早石炭世末期形成西北缘界山的雏形;

    Then Kelameili orogenic belt was developed in the northwest during middle and late periods of Late Carboniferous .