
dìnɡ zhǐ
  • definiteness
  1. 与此同时,我们认为定指效应是可以被违反的。对定指效应的有规律的违反与存在名词组的篇章指称对象有关。

    We account for the violation of the Definiteness Effect by the term of discourse referent .

  2. 这篇论文主要讨论了汉语普通话中有字存在句的句法结构和语义特征,以及有字存在句中的存在名词组所表现出的定指效应。

    This thesis mainly explores the syntactic structure and semantic properties of the existential you-sentences in Mandarin Chinese , and also the Definiteness Effect exhibited in existential you-sentences .

  3. “把”字句受体B前出现量词“个”可以表示“不定指”,但这并不能概括其所有的“个”字功能。

    The word " Ge " before the receiver B in the sentence of " Ba " may stand for " indefinite " .

  4. 首先对研究对象这NP进行了界定,然后从谓语隐含、这的定指作用、背称、足句作用及其对这NP带来的情感倾向五个方面进行了较为详细的阐述。

    It first gives the definition of " This + NP ", then gives details from aspects : the function of demonstration , implication , full sentence and the brought emotion tendency .

  5. 基于汉语上下文语境模型CCM,本文研究了汉语事件时间信息的分析、主语省略句的处理和名词短语的定指性判定问题。

    With the context knowledge in CCM , we research on temporal information analysis of Chinese events , subject ellipsis resolution of Chinese sentences and defmiteness judgment of Chinese noun phrases .

  6. 但是,其中有四组因素对VV式事件的性质会产生重要的影响,它们就是肯定/否定,定指宾语/不定指宾语,现场/非现场,有描写成分/无描写成分。

    However , four groups of elements could influence the quality of events with structure " W ", which are positive / negative , definite object / indefinite object , presence / non-presence , with description / without description .

  7. 不定指话题及其语用策略

    On the Indefinite Topic of a Clause and its Pragmatic Functions

  8. 从认知显著度上看,不定指是不断向定指的逼近。

    From the cognitive salience view , indefiniteness is approaching definiteness .

  9. 论现代汉语不定指性疑问代词

    Discussion about Interrogative Pronouns of Indefinite Nature in Modern Chinese

  10. 英语存在句定指限制的认知语法研究

    A Study on Definiteness Restriction Effect in English Existentials from Cognitive Grammatical Perspective

  11. 本文讨论的是非疑问用法时表现出来的不定指性疑问代词。

    The article discusses how the non-interrogative usage of interrogative pronouns shows their indefinite nature .

  12. 无主“有”字句中“有”的语法意义是标记一个不定指话题。

    In a subjectless sentence , you (" have ") is a marker of an indefinite topic .

  13. 主、宾语在句法位置上的不对称是导致汉语主语定指或实指限制的根源所在。

    Thirdly , the syntactic asymmetry of subject and object is the source of the semantic restriction of Chines subjects .

  14. 描写了资兴兴宁土话指示代词的类型,分析了其语法功能及量词定指的特点。

    Types of Xingning dialect demonstrative pronouns are discussed , their grammatical functions and character of quantifying demonstration are analyzed .

  15. 接下来论述了狭义模糊语言学的研究对象以及模糊与概括、歧义、含糊、不定指代的区别。

    Then talk about the research object in Fuzzy Linguistics and its differences between generalization , ambiguity , vagueness and indefinite reference .

  16. 中国的先锋文学出现后,人们对文学先锋的认识经历了这样三个阶段:混指、定指和泛化。

    The recognition of literary pioneers has experienced three stages since the occurrence of pioneer literature : mixed referent , fixed referent and generalization .

  17. 重动句宾语主要以名词性语素、光杆普通名词和人称代词为主,它们基本是无指的或定指的,表达的是次要信息。

    The objects include mainly noun morphemes , null nouns and personal pronouns , which are basically non-referential or identifiable , and express unimportant information .

  18. 概数是用数词来表示数目的不确定,一般是用数词联缀或者由数词和其他一些表示不定指的词语共同组成。

    Approximate number is a kind of numeral expressing the indefiniteness of number , which is usually composed of numeral connection and numeral with indefinite words .

  19. 我们认为物体量成分和其他定语成分一样,是确立认知域成员的标准,使名词定指化。

    It holds that object quantity expression is a criterion to define the elements from a cognitive field as to specify the reference of a noun .

  20. 但在一定条件下,有可以带定指兼语,这主要有两种情况:一是用在复句中充当分句;

    But you can take definite concurrent sentence element in the following situations : ( 1 ) When it forms clause in sentences of two or more clauses ;

  21. 所谓汉语主语、话题的定指或实指限制是就事态句中的弱限定词无定名词短语而言。

    Second , the well known view that Chinese subject and topic must be identifiable or specific is only true for NPs with weak determiners in eventuality sentences .

  22. 学术界普遍认为,汉语指示词这、那已经发展出一些定指标记的用法。

    Scholars in the field of Chinese linguistics believed that Chinese demonstratives " Zhe " and " Na " have developed some functions that belong to definite markings .

  23. 使用定指还是非定指形式取决于说话者和听话者之间能否就存在客体的某一个具体例示建立独特性心理接触。

    The choice of an indefinite or a definite modifier is decided by whether a mental contact with a unique instance between a speaker and a hearer can be established .

  24. 提出了信息抽取系统中同指求解方法,主要针对汉语篇章中与代词和定指短语相关的同指求解。

    Focused on pronominal and definite nominal anaphora for an information extraction system , this method is divided into two parts : the rule-based and the factors-based statistical resolution algorithm .

  25. 因此本文认为,这、那虽然已经具有一些定指标记的功能,但是发展还不成熟,还处于向定指标记发展的初级阶段。

    Consequently , we believed that " Zhe / Na " indeed has some functions that belong to definite markings , but they have not developed to the stage of definite markings yet .

  26. PID参数的整定是指选择合适的比例系数、积分时间和微分时间,使得伺服系统工作在最佳状态。

    PID parameter tuning refers to choose the right proportional index , integral time and differential time so that the servo system could work under optimal condition .

  27. 现有筛查手段为联合血清前列腺特异性抗原(SA)定和直肠指检。

    Current methods of screening involve the measurement of serum prostate-specific antigen ( PSA ) and digital rectal examination followed by biopsy .

  28. 在本文中,根据AT与IA之间关系常规程度的不同,有定间接回指分为常规有定间接回指和非常规有定间接回指。

    Definite IA is classified into stereotypical and non-stereotypical anaphora according to the degree of stereotypicality of the relationship between AT and IA .

  29. 关联理论对英语中有定间接回指释义的阐释

    A Relevance-theoretic Approach to the Definite Indirect Anaphora Resolution in English

  30. 在描述不确定的人或物时,我们用不定代词来指代。

    We use indefinite pronouns to refer to people or things without saying exactly who or what they are .