
  • 网络Defined Concepts
  1. 概念是智慧技能的重要组成部分,而定义性概念的教学则是学校教育里非常重要和关键的内容。

    The concepts are important part of intellectual skills , and teaching defined concepts are very important and critical in school education .

  2. 中学化学专家教师与新教师定义性概念教学的比较研究

    Comparative Research on Expert Teacher and Novice Teacher in Teaching Chemistry Defined Concept in Senior High School

  3. CORBA还引入了接口定义的语言独立性概念。

    CORBA also introduced the concept of language independence of the interface definition .

  4. 第1节定义了鲁棒性的概念并论证了它的重要性。

    Section 1 defines the notion of robustness , and argues for its importance .