
  • 网络the definition of the situation;Context;situation definition;definition of situation
  1. 课堂情境定义是师生在课堂教学中互相协调的过程,它的最大特色是强调教师和学生两方面的积极性。

    The definition of classroom situation is a process of communication between teacher and students .

  2. 情境定义的最终结果是导致了农民对于医疗机构的社会性紧张。

    The definitions of farmers to the situation lead to social tension when people face to medical institutions .

  3. 论课堂情境定义与德育教学的有效性这类事情是题中应有之义,永远也会有的。

    On effectiveness of moral education with definition of classroom situation ; They are in the nature of things and will always happen .

  4. 课堂情境定义反应了教师和学生对自我、他人以及课堂生活的理解,主要有控制-服从型、控制-反抗型和相互磋商型。

    The definition of the classroom situation reflects teachers ' and their students ' understanding of themselves , their counterparts and the classroom life . These mainly include the control-obedience type , control-resistance type and mutual consultation .

  5. 对情境意识的定义、活动机制、测量方法及强化方法等进行了述评。

    In this paper , definition , mechanisms of action , method of measurement and principles of reinforcement on pilot 's Situation Awareness ( SA ) were reviewed .

  6. 第一部分主要对教学情境进行解读,包括情境的定义和特性,教学情境的定义及特性,创设教学情境的价值,教学情境创设的类型。

    The first part is an explanation to teaching situations which includes the definition of context and characteristics of context , the value of the creation of teaching situation and the type of the creation of teaching situation .