
qíng jǐng xǐ jù
  • sitcom;situation comedy
  1. 我听说下一季会推出一个新的情景喜剧。

    I heard that a new sitcom is coming out next season .

  2. 同时期她还出演了情景喜剧《直到死神将我们分离》。

    That same decade , she was cast in the sitcom Till Death Do Us Part .

  3. 你好奇过情景喜剧是怎么制作那些罐头笑声吗?

    Are you ever curious about how canned laughter are created in comedies ?

  4. 这一说法因美国喜剧频道播放的动画情景喜剧“南方公园”里的麦基先生流行起来。

    It 's made popular by Mr. Mackey on the Comedy Central animated2 sitcom3 South Park .

  5. 上周,两个新情景喜剧都把潜在的分分合合的情侣改成了肯定会在一起的情侣。

    For example : Last week , two freshman sitcoms took their potential will-they-won 't-they couples and turned them into oh-yes-they-will couples .

  6. 《老友记》是上世纪90年代最大型的情景喜剧,由于后来多次重播以及在奈飞等流媒体平台上播放,该剧又俘获了新一代粉丝和评论者。

    Friends was the biggest sitcom of the 1990s , and has found a new generation of fans ( and critics ) thanks to re-runs and streaming services like Netflix .

  7. 在这个只有一期的特别节目中,情景喜剧《老友记》原班主演马修·派瑞(钱德勒)、詹妮弗·安妮斯顿(瑞秋)、柯特妮·考克斯(莫妮卡)、丽莎·库卓(菲比)、马特·勒布朗(乔伊)和大卫·修蒙(罗斯)齐聚一堂。

    The special one-off show brought together the sitcom 's original cast of Matthew Perry ( Chandler ) , Jennifer Aniston ( Rachel ) , Courteney Cox ( Monica ) , Lisa Kudrow ( Phoebe ) , Matt LeBlanc ( Joey ) and David Schwimmer ( Ross ) .

  8. 从媒体的角度,她举了情景喜剧《老友记》(Friends)中钱德勒作为例证。

    From a media perspective , she brought up the example of Chandler on the sitcom Friends .

  9. 其中一篇是关于以《好汉两个半》(TwoandaHalfMen)成名的情景喜剧之王查克•洛尔,另一篇是关于视频游戏配音演员詹尼弗•哈尔。

    ( one is on sitcom-king chuck Lorre of two and a half men fame , the other on video-game voiceover actor Jennifer Hale ) .

  10. ABC电视台今年9月末将上映一部新的情景喜剧,名字就叫《自拍》。

    ABC is debuting a new primetime sitcom called Selfie in late September .

  11. 该剧是根据英国于1965年至1975年在BBC第一频道播出的情景喜剧《最爱》(TillDeathDoUsPart)改编而来。

    The show was based on a British sitcom called Till Death Do Us Part , which aired from 1965-1975 on BBC1 .

  12. 看完丹·拉瑟(DanRather)的新闻节目和情景喜剧,上床睡觉,如此一天天周而复始。

    You watch Dan Rather and a sitcom . You go to bed , go to sleep and repeat .

  13. 从流行文化中你或许能瞥见些许端倪,例如大热的浪漫喜剧电影《北京遇上西雅图》(FindingMr.Right)、美国情景喜剧《生活大爆炸》(TheBigBangTheory)等等。

    Pop culture may hold some clues , from blockbuster rom-com ' Finding Mr. Right ' to U.S. sitcom ' The Big Bang Theory . '

  14. 此外,当年收视率最高的电视剧——由蒂姆o艾伦主演的时长半小时的家庭情景喜剧《家居装饰》(HomeImprovement)——也属于迪士尼。

    Oh , and the No. 1 TV show - a half-hour family sitcom called " Home Improvement , " with Tim Allen - belonged to Disney , too .

  15. 好吧也许是一两杯ABC当初砍掉我的情景喜剧的时候我妈也是这样的

    May be one or two of them.That how my mom was after ABC canceled my sitcom .

  16. 本文从文化翻译的角度出发,以美国情景喜剧《老友记》(Friends)为例,对影视作品字幕中文化词的翻译进行了研究。

    The thesis is a study on the translation of culture-loaded words in the subtitles from a cultural perspective . Examples are taken from the popular American situation comedy Friends .

  17. 这些广播公司主要是凭藉真人秀和情景喜剧获得了认可,过去的喜剧获奖作品《生活大爆炸》(TheBigBangTheory)和《摩登家庭》(ModernFamily)再次获得提名。

    The broadcasters received most of their recognition for reality shows and sitcoms , with past comedy winners ' The Big Bang Theory ' and ' Modern Family ' nominated once again .

  18. 但是要想在Twitter上针对那些喜欢情景喜剧和电视剧的普通观众打广告的话,很大程度上可能会成为一种浪费。

    Trying to reach the couch-floppers who prefer mass-market sitcoms and dramas , though , might be largely a wasted effort .

  19. 并且除了Reba,Garcia最近也出现在RoyalPains以及NBC的短篇情景喜剧AnimalPractice的最终季中。

    Besides Reba , Garcia recently appeared on Royal Pains and last season 's short-lived NBC sitcom Animal Practice .

  20. ABC再次计划把JustinBieber的真实生活拍成一部情景喜剧。

    ABC is reviving a plan to make a sitcom based on Justin Bieber 's life .

  21. 事实上,这部电视剧也并非美国原创,而是依据1973年至1976年播出的英国情景喜剧《合租的他》(ManAbouttheHouse)改编而来,1974年还被翻拍成了同名电影。

    The show was actually not an original concept , instead having been based on a British sitcom called Man About the House , which aired from 1973 to 1976 and also led to a film version in 1974 .

  22. 刚刚播完的国产情景喜剧《爱情公寓III》或许为许多观众都带来了欢笑,但同时也成为了众矢之的。

    The Chinese TV sitcom Ipartment , which ended its third season recently , may have made the audience laugh . But it 's also the target of criticism .

  23. 美国全国广播公司(NBC)发消息称,著名情景喜剧《老友记》的主演们将重新聚首,参与录制两小时的特别节目。

    The cast of the hit sitcom Friends are to reunite for a two-hour special , according to US broadcaster NBC .

  24. 2004年,这个系列剧在BBC美国台播出,成为第一部获得金球奖的英国情景喜剧。

    In 2004 , the series aired on BBC America and became the first U.K. sitcom to win a Golden Globe Award for best comedy .

  25. 作为1994年至2004年的NBC热播剧,看见两位深受观众喜爱的情景喜剧演员拥抱在一起,粉丝们欣喜若狂。

    And fans were ecstatic to see the two beloved sitcom characters embracing as the hit NBC show ran from 1994 to 2004 .

  26. 由玛格丽特·曹(MargaretCho)主演的情景喜剧《全美女孩》(All-AmericanGirl)正是如此。这是《初来乍到》之前关于亚裔美国人的电视节目的一次重要尝试。

    This is exactly what happened to All-American Girl , the sitcom starring the comedian Margaret Cho and the last significant attempt to make an Asian-American TV show .

  27. NBC将会播放一部新情景喜剧《另类家庭》,剧中讲述了一对同性恋人希望通过代孕妈妈来孕育出第一个孩子的故事。

    NBC will broadcast a new sitcom The New Normal , which is about a gay couple expecting their first child from a surrogate mother .

  28. 这部长达半小时的情景喜剧由TomPapa主演,马特和汤姆合作过两次。据说故事情节取自马特和妻子以及四个女儿在家中的场景。

    The half-hour comedy will star Tom Papa who Matt collaborated with on two movies , It 's reportedly based on Matt 's personal experiences at home with his wife and four daughters .

  29. 该队助理教练莱克斯•卡拉米安(RexKalamian)则联想到了别的。他说,我首先想到的是“乌克尔”(Urkel)。他指的是20世纪90年代的情景喜剧《凡人琐事》(FamilyMatters)中的那个超级书呆子。

    Something else came to mind for Thunder assistant coach Rex Kalamian : " My first thought was " Urkel " , " he said , referring to the uber-nerd from the 1990s sitcom " Family Matters . "

  30. 《老爸老妈的浪漫史》的剧迷们即将要跟电视史上最受欢迎情景喜剧说再见了,不过CBS电视台打算将这种欢乐延续。

    As fans are preparing to say goodbye to one of TVs most popular comedies , How I Met Your Mother , CBS is looking to extend the franchise .