
  • 网络International Police;Interpol;ICPO
  1. 国际警察缠上我了

    But I 've got Interpol 's all over my ass.

  2. 有没有看过来自国际警察组织的文件?

    Did you check the files from interpol ?

  3. 国际警察组织秘书长罗纳德K。诺布尔在一封声明中说,此举旨在帮助执法机构“采取一切适当的措施,以辨认潜在的致命装置。”

    Interpol secretary-general Ronald K.Noble said in a statement the move was designed to help law enforcement agencies " take all appropriate measures to identify potentially lethal devices . "

  4. 我还认为美国不可能成为,国际警察。

    I also think America can 't be the global policeman .

  5. 即使当我遭遇称职的国际警察时。

    Even when I was up against an overzealous agent ...

  6. 国际警察杰克瓦伦丁就无法被收买。

    Interpol Agent Jack Valentine couldn 't be bought .

  7. 国际警察组织会调查所有有关的人。

    That Interpol would follow any logical lead .

  8. 向海地国际警察监督方案提供用品和服务信托基金;

    Trust fund to provide goods and services to the international police monitoring programme ;

  9. 国际警察工作队协定

    Agreement on International Police Task Force

  10. 国际警察联合会联盟

    International Union of Police Federations

  11. 国际警察行动委员会

    International Police Action Committee

  12. 警察学院广泛参与国际警察合作,培训问题在其中愈来愈受到重视。

    The Police College participates extensively in international police cooperation , where training issues are receiving increasing emphasis .

  13. 国际警察组织从卡塔尔的多哈发布声明,该组织的联合国大会会议将周一在卡塔尔展开。

    Interpol issued its statement from Doha , Qatar , where the agency 's general assembly meeting starts on Monday .

  14. 当我转过身来,却看见那个一直跟着我的国际警察正在盯着我,他站在街道的拐角处。

    When I turned around , I saw the same Interpol man looking at me , standing in the corner of the street .

  15. 多年来,美国一直是全球安全的顶梁柱(即:国际警察),人类自由的倡导者。

    For generations , the United States of America has played a unique role as an anchor of global security and as an advocate for human freedom .

  16. 国际警察厅刑警通缉11犯罪嫌疑犯,他们涉嫌上月的发生在迪拜的激进组织哈马斯高官谋杀案。

    The International Police Agency Interpol says it 's put on its most wanted list , 11 people suspected of killing a senior member of the militant group Hamas in Dubai last month .

  17. 我的意思是,电台事关我们大家的安全,请你自重,也尊重别人,做一个职业的国际警察。

    I don 't know who you are , Sir , but PLEASE respect the radio and our work , because it is connecting our lives and secure , please BE a professional IPO .

  18. 国际刑事警察组织表示,人口贩卖以及非法移民产业的价值高达280亿美元。

    Interpol says human trafficking and illicit migration is a $ 28 billion enterprise .

  19. 如果她蔑视法庭,我们将通知国际刑事警察组织。

    Were she to be found in contempt of court , Interpol could be notified .

  20. 这发表在联合国环境规划署和国际刑事警察组织的一份新报告上。

    That 's according to a new report from the United Nations Environment Programme and Interpol .

  21. 国际刑事警察委员会

    International Criminal Police Commission

  22. 警察,行动在数百从反应史无前例的呼吁由帮助的国际刑事警察组织在辨认尼尔的人的技巧,搜寻他在东南亚。

    Police , acting on hundreds of tips from people who responded to an unprecedented appeal by Interpol for help in identifying neil , are searching for him in Southeast asia .

  23. 国际刑事警察组织发布红色通缉令,要求逮捕一名美国外交官的妻子,此人在英国酿成车祸导致一名年轻男子死亡。

    The International Criminal Police Organization has issued a Red Notice for the arrest of a U.S. diplomat 's wife over a car crash that killed a young man in Britain .

  24. 研究的结果可供国内和国际的其他警察部队使用。

    The results of the research will be available to other police forces both nationally and internationally .

  25. 第三,从国际国内对警察职权行为公开性进行深层次实证分析。

    Third , from international domestic publicly carries on the deep level real diagnosis analysis to the police authority behavior .

  26. 贯彻二十公精神加强我校外事工作为建设国际一流的警察大学服务

    Act in the Spirit of " The Twentieth Public Security Work Meeting " , Strengthen Foreign Work , Service for Constructing A First-class Police University in the World

  27. 事实上,中国警察在十一月26日藉由报告对国际的犯罪警察组织的情形把三个主管放在一本国际的目录。

    In fact , the Chinese police on Nov.26 put the three executives on an international wanted list by reporting the case to the International Criminal Police Organization .

  28. 肯尼亚人民和国际人权组织控诉警察在去年针对犯罪团伙Mungiki的行动中非法杀人,并在2007年有争议的选举之后向抗议者开枪。

    Kenyan and international rights groups charge police illegal killings during an operation that targeted the Mungiki criminal gang and fired on protesters following disputed 2007 elections .

  29. 新闻检查问题国际中心他受到警察的查问。

    International Centre on Censorship , the He was questioned by the police .

  30. 国际机场和海港警察协会

    International Association of Airports and Seaports Police