
  • 网络International Online;Cri;CRI Online
  1. 这家影院的经理对国营媒体国际在线说,影院每天放映五场3DIMAX版《阿凡达》,电影票通常提前一天售罄。

    The theater 's manager told Chinese state-run broadcaster CRI Online that the theater shows the3D IMAX version of Avatar five times a day , and that tickets are generally sold out a day in advance .

  2. 中国国际在线报道,7月31日,德国Weida体育场,一项人体多米诺床垫活动创造新的世界纪录。

    According to the CRI Online , on July 31 , a new world record was set for the most human dominoes at Weida stadium , Germany .

  3. 梅尔策-布罗迪博士和她的同事们今年将开始寻找这个问题的答案,他们计划通过国际在线登记收集上万名妇女的DNA。

    Dr. Meltzer-Brody and her colleagues will begin seeking answers this year by collecting DNA from thousands of women through an international online registry .

  4. 但是他担心,一些较小的中国科研机构可能付不起ScienceDirect或者其它国际在线数据库的订购费。

    But he worries that researchers in some small Chinese institutions will not be able to afford to pay the subscription fees for ScienceDirect or other international online databases .

  5. 据悉,这里曾是美国名流席琳·迪翁和比尔·盖茨的蜜月地。(国际在线独家资讯蒋黎黎未经允许请勿转载)

    Both Celine Dion and Bill Gates honeymooned here .

  6. 国际在线报道:法国外长巴尼耶12日在巴黎警告伊朗不要重启铀浓缩活动。

    French Foreign Minister Michel Barnier on Thursday urged Iran not to resume uranium .

  7. 国际在线消息:美国《时代》杂志12月19日透露,他们评选美国总统布什为2004年的“年度人物”,这是由于他的领导能力以及连任竞选的胜利。

    US President George W.Bush was chosen as Time's2004 Person of the Year for " reframing reality to match his design ," the magazine said Sunday .

  8. 这个系统不仅适用于国内旅游在线系统,对国际在线旅游也同样适用,具有良好的通用性。

    This system not only applies to domestic online travel systems , but also applies to the international ones , in one word , it has good versatility .

  9. “爸爸们会带着儿子去看足球比赛,而女人们则会带着女儿去购物,这让女孩们对时装兴趣渐增。”来源国际在线。

    While dads are taking their sons out for football matches , women are taking their little girls shopping and encouraging them to take an interest in fashion .

  10. 国际在线报道:美国国务卿赖斯12日表示,美国希望伊朗能够继续与欧盟的核谈判。

    The United States hopes Iran to continue its negotiation with the European Union to scrap any suspect nuclear fuel activities , US Secretary of State CondoleezzaRice on Thursday .

  11. 国际在线综合报道:一架哥伦比亚客机当地时间16日凌晨在委内瑞拉西部坠毁,机上乘客均为法国人并已全部罹难。

    France 's civil aviation authority announced Tuesday that all153 passengers killed in a Colombian jetliner crash in western Venezuela earlier in the day were French citizens and none survived .

  12. 网络媒体国际在线消息报道说,呼吸道合胞病毒在寒冷的冬天特别常见,这一病毒还可能引发类似于成人普通感冒的症状。

    Particularly common during cold winter months , the RS virus can also cause symptoms similar to that of the common cold in adults , international online news web media reported .

  13. 外交部边界与海洋司副司长欧阳玉靖接受国际在线采访时表示,中国政府捍卫国家利益的决心和意志是坚定的。

    Ouyang Yujing , deputy director at the Department of Boundary and Ocean Affairs with the Chinese foreign ministry tells CRI the Chinese government is resolute in protecting this country 's national interests .

  14. 本章主要结合有关的国际公约对在线仲裁裁决的不予承认和不予执行的理由进行了分析,并对如何鼓励当事人自觉履行在线仲裁裁决提出了若干建议。

    So , the chapter mainly analyses some related international conventions about the online arbitration awards and gives some suggestions on such issues .

  15. 激光击穿光谱技术(Laser-InducedBreakdownSpectroscopy,简称LIBS)是伴随着激光器的出现而发展起来的一种新型元素成分分析技术,是目前国际上公认的在线检测工业污水的最佳解决方案之一。

    Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy ( LIBS ) is a new type of component analysis technique . It is widely recognized as one of the best online detecting methods for industrial wastewater in the world .

  16. 2002上海国际控制及工业在线检测展览会参展公司名单

    Company List of the Shanghai International Exhibition on Quality Control Testing Equipment

  17. 国际的学生不能在线的课程中登记。

    International students must not enrol in on-line courses .

  18. 但国际上染液浓度在线监测技术目前还处于起步阶段,在生产中的应用基本上是空白,还有很多技术问题需要解决。

    But the Online monitoring technique of dye concentration is still in the initial stage around the world , and essentially blank in the dyeing process now . There are many technical problems to be solved .

  19. [中国国际广播之声和国际在线网记者]总理,您好。最近网上民调显示,社会保障是网民关注的热点之一。

    China Radio International : A recent opinion poll shows that social security is one of the hot topics among Chinese netizens .