
ɡuó jì ɡuān chá
  • international observation
  1. 他们接受政府采取但根据国际观察的地方。

    They accept a census to take place but not under international observation .

  2. 来自欧洲理事会(councilofeurope)和欧洲安全和合作组织(organisationforsecurityandco-operation)的国际观察人士称,有“公然破坏选举程序”的证据和“多个伪造选票的严重迹象”。

    International observers from the Council of Europe and the organisation for security and co-operation in Europe reported evidence of " flagrant procedural violations " and " several serious indications of ballot box stuffing " .

  3. 美国国务卿约翰克里(JohnKerry)威胁要对俄罗斯实施进一步制裁,除非俄停止支持东乌克兰的分裂主义者。他承认,释放一周前被劫为人质的七名国际观察人士是一个进步。

    John Kerry , the US secretary of state , threatened Russia with further sanctions unless the country stopped backing separatists in eastern Ukraine as he acknowledged that the release of seven international observers taken hostage a week ago was a step forward .

  4. 择校现象的国际观察与我国的政策选择

    International Perspectives on the School Choice Phenomenon and the Policy Choice in China

  5. 国家经济安全国际观察分析:美国、日本、俄罗斯

    Observation and Analysis on National Economic Security of USA , Japan and Russia

  6. 国际观察人士判定,这次的选举是自由和公平的。

    International observers judged them free and fair .

  7. 国际观察人员已经表示,南苏丹的公投是自由、公正和可信的。

    International observers have said the south Sudan referendum was free , fair and credible .

  8. 尽管存在一些问题,国际观察人士指称肯尼亚选举过程是透明和可信的。

    Despite some problems , international observers have described the vote as transparent and credible .

  9. 太阳静止期国际观察年

    International Years of the Quiet Sun

  10. 大多数监督选举的国内和国际观察人士支持选举过程并且认为结果可信。

    Most domestic and international observers monitoring the election commended the electoral process and believe the results are reliable .

  11. 一些国际观察人士表示,朝鲜可能会为了让国际社会震惊而宣称,第三次核试验的核装置是用浓缩铀制造的。

    Some international observers say Pyongyang could seek to alarm the international community by claiming the third test was conducted with uranium .

  12. 卡罗尔是“卡特中心”国际观察小组的一名官员。他说,总体来说投票情况相当平静。

    An official with a team of international observers from the Carter Center , David Carroll , said the polling was largely calm .

  13. 弗林科夫:我和国际观察组织欧洲安全与合作组织的官员谈过。

    FLINTOFF : I 've been talking with an official from the main international observer group , that 's the OSCE , the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe .

  14. 国际观察人士经常谴责柬埔寨选举的不公平;今年英国观察人士拒绝返回,称柬埔寨政府在上次折中的选举后尚未实施他们的建议。

    International monitors routinely condemn Cambodia for unfair elections ; this year , British monitors refused to return , saying the Cambodian government had yet to implement their recommendations after the last compromised election .

  15. 谭路路在长沙,世界野生动物基金湖南办事处告诉国家地理新闻说,“上周,情况变得非常严重”。他目前效力于世界野生动物基金会国际观察小组。

    " For the past week , the situation has been very serious ," tan lulu , who works for the international conservation group wwf , told National Geographic News from wwf 's Hunan Office in changsha .

  16. 扩招中弱势高校化解择校冲击的思考择校现象的国际观察与我国的政策选择

    Some Reflections on How Disadvantaged Universities Meet with the Challenges Brought about by the Examinees University Selection in the Wave of Enrollment Enlargement ; International Perspectives on the School Choice Phenomenon and the Policy Choice in China

  17. 从通篇讲话中似乎看不到任何解决冲突的前景。联合国及阿盟叙利亚和平特使安南以及其他许多国际观察人士警告称,这场冲突可能恶化为全面内战。

    The speech appeared to offer little prospect of progress in resolving a conflict Mr Annan , the special UN and Arab League peace envoy to Syria , and many other international observers have warned is sliding into full-blown civil war .

  18. 但是周日的投票没有国际选举观察人员介入。

    But there were no international election monitors there for Sunday 's vote .

  19. 昨天下午,记者专程前往杭州萧山国际机场观察,没有发现萧山机场的安检级别有太多的变化。

    It shows in Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport that there wasn 't big differences in security level yesterday .

  20. 虽然sonangol被一些标准合理的评分,例如收入,但它仍然被两家公司透明的游说机构透明国际和收入观察在反腐败方面排名垫底。

    Although Sonangol scores reasonably for some criteria , such as revenue , in rankings by Transparency International and revenue watch , two lobbies for corporate openness , it still receives bottom rankings for safeguards against corruption .

  21. 国际杂交稻观察圃优异资源的初步评价

    Preliminary Evaluation of Elite Germplasm Resources in International Rice Observation Nursery

  22. 国际稻耐寒观察圃试验简报

    Brief report on international rice cold tolerance observation nursery

  23. 国际冬小麦观察圃试验结果分析与利用评价

    Analysis and Evaluation of International Winter Wheat Observation Nursery

  24. 多数国际和国内观察人士都认为这次总统选举、州长以及立法机构选举都是尼日利亚有史以来最公正的选举。

    Most international and domestic observers believe the presidential , gubernatorial , and legislative elections were some of Nigeria 's fairest ever .

  25. 早些时候,透明国际、腐败观察以及其他一些国际组织宣布计划发布一个名单,公布那些涉嫌参与腐败的政界人士的姓名,以提高选民对这个问题的认识。

    Earlier this month , Transparency International , Corruption Watch , and other groups announced plans to issue a blacklist of politicians suspected of corruption to raise awareness among voters .

  26. 认识世界进步的规律,把握中国改革的方向,制定我们的外交战略,都要用国际唯物史观观察、分析问题。

    Understanding the law of the world , grasping the direction of China 's reform , and formulating our foreign strategy require observation and analysis from the view of international materialism .

  27. 国际工程机械产业观察知识工程

    A global review of the construction equipment industry KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING

  28. 文章从国际海洋法角度观察中日东海争端,归纳、总结了两国东海争端的主要焦点。

    Articles from the international point of observation in the Law of the Sea , the East China Sea dispute , summed up , the two countries the main focus of the East China Sea dispute .