
  • 网络english interpretation;Interpretation;oral interpretation;interpreter
  1. 新建本科院校英语口译课教学探讨

    On the Teaching of English Interpretation Course for Newly Established Four-year-program Colleges

  2. 谈英语口译的素质和质量标准

    On the quality and quality standard of English interpretation

  3. PBL模式在英语口译教学中的应用

    The Application of PBL in English Interpreting Course

  4. 汉语四字格英语口译的策略

    The Strategies of English Interpretation of Chinese Four - character Structure

  5. 浅论专业英语口译质与量的定位意识

    An Analysis on the Orientation of Quality and Quantity of the Foreign-Trade Interpretation

  6. 英语口译思维能力的训练

    On the Training of Thinking Ability in English Interpretation

  7. 多媒体教学手段在英语口译教学中的应用

    Application of Multimedia Teaching Method to Spoken English Teaching

  8. 具有质量和成本意识;良好的英语口译、笔译能力;

    Quality and cost consciousness ; - proficiency in the Chinese and English languages ;

  9. 语用失误与英语口译效果

    Pragmatic Failure and the Results of English Interpretation

  10. 商务英语口译实践点滴

    A Probe into the Practice of Business Interpretation

  11. 英语口译与语域的关系

    The Relationship between English Interpreting and Register

  12. 素质教育与考试英语口译资格证书考试与翻译教学

    Quality Education and Examinations Test for Certificate of English Interpreter and Its Training Course of Translation

  13. 防灾高专非外语专业英语口译课教学工作探讨

    A Basic Survey on Teaching Non-English Majors to Learn Interpreting in the College of Disaster-Prevention Technology

  14. 浅谈法律英语口译人才的培养&法律口译课程的教学实践探讨

    On the Training of Legal English Interpreters : Teaching Practice of the Course of Legal Interpreting

  15. 论导游英语口译的简化

    On Conciseness of Oral Guide English

  16. 合作学习理论在英语口译课堂的应用

    Cooperative Learning in English Interpretation Class

  17. 科技英语口译工作浅析

    On working On Sci-Tec English Interpretation

  18. 浅谈如何克服英语口译的障碍

    How to Overcome Barries in Interpretation

  19. 试论英语口译中数字的译法

    Interpreting of Figures in English

  20. 同其他类型的口译相比,商务英语口译是一种特殊的,极富技巧的口译。

    Compared to other types of interpreting , business English interpreting is a special and highly-skilled task .

  21. 这些课程对于在外贸领域当英语口译有很大帮助。

    These courses are of great help for an English interpreter in the field of foreign trade .

  22. 本人兼职从事英语口译笔译工作,擅长冶金机械行业翻译。

    I work as a part-time English interpreter and translator , having good knowledgy of metallurgical machinery industry .

  23. 英语口译班:教师由国内知名专家、深翻译组成,均有丰富的口笔译经验。

    English Interpretation Courses are given by well-known experts and interpreters with rich experience in interpreting and translating .

  24. 汉英口译教学:学生驾驭词汇能力的培养英汉同声传译研究与优化专业英语口译教学

    Vocabulary Acquisition in C-E Interpretation ; English-Chinese Simultaneous Interpretation Research and the Optimization of English Major Interpreting Training

  25. 英汉同声传译研究与优化专业英语口译教学

    International Association of Conference Interpreters and Translators English-Chinese Simultaneous Interpretation Research and the Optimization of English Major Interpreting Training

  26. 有了互联网科技,我们可以提供资讯给顾客,这是以前没有的机会上海英语口译。

    With the help of Internet , we can provide information to customers in a way as never before .

  27. 举个例子,如果求职者取得了英语口译证书,他会要求其立即现场口译一些材料。

    If applicants hold English interpretation certificates , for example , he will ask them to immediately interpret some materials .

  28. 论高职高专商务英语口译教学中的技能训练高校非翻译专业英语教学翻译任务型模式探析

    On Oral Interpretation Skilling Practising for Bussiness English in Vocational-Technical Colleges ; On Task-based Approach in Teaching Translation to Non-translation Majors

  29. 影视,高复班及会计上岗,秘书,企管,英语口译,技能培训。

    Television , the high class and accounting for posts , the Secretary , business administration , English interpretation skills training .

  30. 口译教学目标定位与专业型口译人才培养英汉同声传译研究与优化专业英语口译教学

    Objective Positioning for interpreting teaching and cultivating the Specialized Interpreters English-Chinese Simultaneous Interpretation Research and the Optimization of English Major Interpreting Training