
chū bǎn jiā
  • publisher
  1. “Rick并不知道拍的是什么内容,也不知道布什写的什么,”Hershorn先生告诉《编辑与出版家》杂志。

    " Rick had no idea what he was shooting , or what Bush was writing ," Mr Hershorn told Editor and Publisher .

  2. 朱熹:作为编辑出版家的评价

    An Appraisal to Zhu Xi as an Editor and Publisher

  3. 出版家彼得·哈格(PeterHaag)在纽约公共图书馆做卡波特资料研究时,看到这些故事时停住了。

    Peter Haag , owner of Kein & Aber , which publishes Mr. Capote in German , stumbled upon them while doing research in the Capote archive at the New York Public Library .

  4. 作为中国现代史上著名的新闻出版家和政论家,邹韬奋是一个有着重大影响的历史人物。

    Zou Tao-fen is a great influence person in modern Chinese history .

  5. 邹韬奋是我国近代最伟大的出版家之一。

    Zhou Tao-fen was one of the greatest publisher in the present-day .

  6. 因此你得为它找一个出版家&越早越好。

    So you must get a publisher for it-the sooner the better .

  7. 这书一脱稿,我马上和出版家订好了出版和约。

    Immediately this was done , I completed an arrangement with my publishers .

  8. 论出版家徐伯昕的经营管理思想

    Management Thoughts of Xu Bo-xin , a Publisher

  9. 试论我国职业出版家建设的重要性

    On the Importance of Cultivating Professional Publishers

  10. 邓实是我国著名的报人,出色的思想家、出版家。

    Deng Shi was a famous journalist , excellent thinker and publisher in the history of our country .

  11. 光辉的人格敬业的典范&纪念记者、编辑、出版家邹韬奋逝世65周年

    Brilliant Personality and Example of Devotion & To the Memory of News-reporter , Editor , Publisher , Zou Tao-fen

  12. 近代出版家、教育家陆费逵对妇女问题和妇女教育有许多论述。

    The modern publisher and educationist Lu Fei-kui gave a host of expositions on the women issues and women 's education .

  13. 可以说,鲁迅不仅是一位伟大的文学家、思想家,同时也是一位伟大的编辑出版家。

    We can say Lu Xun not only a great writer , thinker , but also a great editor and publisher .

  14. 路加,耶稣的门徒(不是十一门徒之一),再次写信给出版家提阿非罗阿。

    Luke , a disciple of Jesus ( not one of the11 ) writes to Theophilus , a publisher , a second time .

  15. 钟叔河是我国著名的编辑出版家、散文家,同时也是历史人文研究领域的专家。

    Zhong Shuhe is not only a well-known publishing editor 、 essayist , but also the history of experts in the field of humanities research .

  16. 邹韬奋是我国现代著名的编辑、记者、出版家和政论家,在新闻事业上取得过巨大的成就。

    Zou Taofen is a famous editor , reporter , publisher and political commentator in the modern times of our country and has obtained huge achievement on the journalism .

  17. 出版家为政治要求参与新年画制作、发行,也为商业利益继续发行旧年画。

    Publishers participated in the manufacturing and issuing of new New Year paintings out of political demands ; they also continued to issue the old New Year paintings for profits .

  18. 其中许多提及与江湖诗人交游情况的诗,颇有助于我们更好地研究陈起作为一个出版家的选题出版思想。

    Especially those poems referring to the associating with other poets of Jiang Hu Poem Group can help us with the study of Chen 's theory about publishing and edit .

  19. 毛晋(1599&1659)是明末清初著名的藏书家兼大出版家。

    Mao Jin ( 1599-1659 ), who was a famous book-collector and great publisher between the late Ming Dynasty and the early Qing Dynasty , was very fond of reading books .

  20. 冯雪峰是一位长期被中国文学史所遗忘的诗人、作家、文艺理论家、文学评论家、鲁迅研究家、出版家。

    Feng Xuefeng , a person long-time neglected by Chinese literature , is a famous poet , writer , literary theorist , literary critic , researcher of Lu Xun art , and publisher .

  21. 邹韬奋是我国著名的新闻活动家,既是优秀的编辑记者,又是新闻出版家,在我国新闻事业史上具有着重要地位。

    Zou Tao-fen is a famous news activist in China and he is also an excellent editor , reporter as well as publisher , who plays an important role in the history of Chinese journalism .

  22. 出版家的特定作用:对材料的选择,编辑和设计,安排其生产和销售,对整个过程承担经济风险和责任

    " The functions peculiar to the publisher & i.e. , the selecting , editing , and designing of the material , arranging its production and distribution , and bearing the financial risk or the responsibility for the whole operation . "

  23. 两天以后芝加哥出版的一家报纸又采用了他的《探宝者》,答应发表后给他十块钱。

    Two days later a newspaper published in Chicago accepted his " Treasure Hunters ," promising to pay ten dollars for it on publication .

  24. 我国体育核心期刊全部实现了电子出版。13家体育核心期刊目前还未开展任何形式的国际合作工作。

    All of the Chinese sports core journals have applied E-publicationCurrently , none of the13 sports core journals have carried on any international cooperation work in any forms yet .

  25. 在大卫•兰森(DavidRensin)2003年出版的有关这家公司的书《邮件室》(TheMailroom)中,格芬回忆自己学着如何去“读懂办公室……我在心中对每件事都做了笔记”。

    InDavid Rensin 's 2003 book about the agency , The Mailroom , Mr Geffenrecalls learning how to " read the room ... I took mental notes oneverything " 。

  26. 最近,这家公司又买进了一个庞大的出版系统,一家保险公司以及五十万英亩的森林。

    The company recently had acquired a publishing empire , an insurance company and half a million acres of timberland .

  27. 莫根·奎特诺出版公司是一家私营的调查出版公司,主营国家城市的参考书目。

    Scott Morgan , president of Morgan Quitno Press , a private research and publishing company specializing in state and city reference books , said he was not surprised to see St.

  28. 丁景唐是当代出版界优秀的编辑出版家。

    Ding Jing Tang is one of the best Editors and Publishers of contemporary publishing .

  29. 百多年来,中国现代出版史上,堪称编辑家、出版家的大师级人物为数不少。

    For around a hundred of years , there are only a few masters in editing and publication in the history of China modern publication history .

  30. 其中,他与商务印书馆那段恢弘的出版历史,让我们看到了一个颇具经营策略的出版家。

    Among these work , we can see a considerable publisher with experienced business strategy according to the grand history about him and the Commercial Press .