
  • 网络report card;school report;transcript;report
  1. 她的成绩报告单上各门成绩都是A或B。

    She had gotten all A 's and B 's on her report card .

  2. 项目的建成和运转实绩她的成绩报告单上各门成绩都是A或B。

    Fulfillment of the project and operational achievements She had gotten all A 's and B 's on her report card .

  3. 还有,你能否把你的出生证以及最近的学校成绩报告单一起带来?她的成绩报告单上各门成绩都是A或B。

    And could you bring your birth certificate and your last school report with you ? She had gotten all A 's and B 's on her report card .

  4. 每学期教员为每个学生写一份成绩报告单。

    Every term , teachers write a report about each pupil .

  5. 简的学校成绩报告单使父亲大发雷霆。

    Jane 's school report sent Father into a terrible temper .

  6. 她上学期的成绩报告单使其父母大为震惊,决定采取行动。

    Her last school report shocked her parents into action .

  7. 从他的学校成绩报告单来看,他的智力平平。

    His intelligence is not apparent from his school reports .

  8. 为自己的成绩报告单所鼓舞,珍妮决定报考剑桥大学。

    Encouraged by her school report , Jane decided to apply to Cambridge university .

  9. 校车、校舍、学生成绩报告单。

    A school bus , building , report .

  10. 成绩报告单获得良好--------------5美元

    Getting a good report card ................................ $ 5.00

  11. 他已经试了一次又一次,并且他的成绩报告单仍然说明这个事实。

    He has tried and tried , and still his report card tells the story .

  12. 对这份成绩报告单不需要用什么评论;它本身已经说明问题了。

    There is little need to comment on this school record ; it speaks for itself .

  13. 每个月父母都会收到我的学生成绩报告单,上面记录了我的出勤情况及分数。

    Every month my parents receive a school report card with my attendance record and my marks .

  14. 儿子:我到没什么,我就是担心你看到我的成绩报告单时会头疼。

    Son : Nothing . I 'm afraid you will get a headache when you see my school report .

  15. 一张评语(分数)不佳的成绩报告单细胞(组分的)分级分离:将细胞中的不同组分依次分离成单一的组分。

    An unfavourable school report Cell fractionation The separation of the different constituents of the cell into homogenous fractions .

  16. 你们可以保留最后的决定权直到几个星期后收到正式的考试成绩报告单正本为止。

    You may hold the fInal decision pendIng receipt of official scores which should reach you In the comIng weeks .

  17. 毕业后,请要求你的高中发送一份包含有你的毕业日期的成绩报告单招生办公室。

    Upon graduation , please request that your high school send a final transcript to the Office of Admissions showing your date of graduation .

  18. 您寄来的两份表格已经填好,随信附上。同时附上的还有我的大学成绩报告单、大学毕业证书复印件和学位证书复印件。

    I am enclosing the two application forms I have filled out , my transcripts , copies of my university graduation and bachelor degree certificates .

  19. 领取成绩报告单总是让人有些担心。新成绩送来以后就立即用粉笔写在黑板上。

    School reports are always received with some apprehension . The new results were chalked up on the blackboard as soon as they came in .

  20. 去年,那些考试成绩报告单中,78%递交给了美国的项目,64%提交给了世界各地的专业硕士学位项目。

    In the latest year , 78 % of those score reports were sent to U.S. programs , while 64 % went to specialized master 's degrees world-wide .

  21. 在接下来的几个小时里,我带着愉悦的心情细细地翻看着盒子里的那些画儿、奖状和成绩报告单。记忆的大门就此打开,尼克的儿时场景又回到家中,一幕幕在我眼前浮现。

    Delighted , I spent hours poring through the artwork , awards and report cards that propped my memory door wide open and let the days of his childhood come home .

  22. 摘要本文从测试题型、试题库建设、测试方式到得出成绩报告单几个方面,综述了从纸笔测试到计算机化语言测试的发展变化。

    The paper has briefly described the changes from the pencil-and-paper test to iBT that computers may effect in language testing , from test item types item bank development , test means to score reports .

  23. 城市研究院是坐落在华盛顿特区的智库,它最近汇总了来自美国面积最大的100个大城市的种族和民族公平的一系列指标,编纂成一份“成绩报告单”。

    The Urban Institute , a Washington , DC , think-tank , recently compiled a report card on a range of measures of racial and ethnic equity in the country 's 100 biggest metropolitan areas .

  24. 利用大学英语四级考试成绩报告单、问卷调查、访谈等研究工具,本研究对苏州大学在独立学院任教的25名老师和146名独立学院学生进行了调查研究。

    Three research instruments , including CET-4 score reports , questionnaires , and interviews have been used to gather information and altogether 25 teachers teaching in independent college and 146 students from an independent college have participated in the research .

  25. 各项成绩应以黑色、蓝色或红色笔填写于成绩报告单,不可使用铅笔填写。

    Grades should be entered on grade sheets in black , blue , or red ink but NOT in pencil .