
chénɡ wén xiàn fǎ
  • written constitution
  1. 没有一部成文宪法是该国的一大特点。

    The lack of a written constitution is a peculiarity of the country .

  2. 这是法国的第一部成文宪法。

    It was the first written constitution France had ever had .

  3. 美国的成文宪法于一七八七年通过。

    The written constitution of the United States was adopted in1787 .

  4. 同参议院一道,我们任命了解释成文宪法的法官,

    Working with the Senate , we are appointing judges who will interpret the Constitution as written ,

  5. 美国的政体是基于成文宪法,宪法由最高法院作出解释。

    The American system of government is based on a written constitution , which is interpreted by the Supreme Court .

  6. 七月穆斯林日历的第七个月美国的成文宪法於一七八七年通过

    The seventh month of the year in the Moslem calendar . The write constitution of the united state be adopt In 1787

  7. 以两类不同宪法类型的特征为标准,就能够对不成文宪法国家类型形成较为清晰的判断。

    The clarifying the characteristics of formation and forms of unwritten constitution is the basis for distinguishing the written and unwritten constitutions .

  8. 在成文宪法国家,宪法性法律是为保证宪法实施而制定的一系列法律。

    In the Written constitution country , Constitutional law is a series of laws enacted in order to ensure the implementation of the Constitution .

  9. 大量成文宪法文件的存在,为宪法结构特别是宪法内容结构的研究提供了可能。

    A large number of documents the existence of a written constitution for the constitutional structure , especially the content structure of the Constitution possible .

  10. 1787年宪法是美国的根本大法,也是资本主义世界第一部成文宪法,迄今已200余年。它所确立的原则,仍是现今美国政治生活的准则。

    The Constitution of 1787 was the fundamental law to the United States of America and also the first written law to the capitalist societies .

  11. 不成文宪法是一个多义的、历史的和相对的概念,概念本身的混乱源自语义的歧误,而不成文宪法形成与形式特征的明确则是划分成文与不成文宪法类型的基础。

    The concept is with multiple meaning and is historic and relative . The chaos understanding of the concept derives from the mistakes and misunderstanding of the word unwritten .

  12. 在比较各主要成文宪法国家宪法的基础上,提出从受教育权利绝对性与相对性和受教育义务履行者双重性两个方面来进一步探讨该条款,会加深对该条款的理解。

    The full understanding of this section can be achieved by discussing absolute and relative qualities of rights and doubleness of performer of obligation on the basis of comparing constitutions of major countries with written constitutions .

  13. 本文试图从提议程序之前是否存在建议程序的角度,把成文宪法国家分为一般模式和特殊模式两类进行比较研究,以探究其合理性,从而提出完善我国宪法创议程序的建议。

    This paper try to describe from the angle about if there exist the suggestion procedures before the program , make the written constitution station into two types , that is the general pattern and special mode .

  14. 与经典的英国威斯敏斯特政体相比,美国政治体制的问题尤其明显。英国采用的是简单多数票当选的议会制,没有联邦或分权制度,也没有成文宪法或司法复核。

    The problems of the US system are all too apparent when compared with the classic British Westminster system : parliamentary , with first-past-the-post voting , no federalism or decentralisation , and no written constitution or judicial review .

  15. 传统司法能动主义时期,宪法解释被认为是对成文宪法所固定的、不变的含义的揭示与运用,相应地,法律方法主要体现在字面解释、平义解释、立法史的辅助作用等。

    In traditional judicial activism , constitutional interpretation was considered as the reveal of context of constitution which was fixed and unchangeable . Correspondingly , legal methods is mainly composed of context interpretation , plain-meaning interpretation and assistance of legislative history .

  16. 伦敦大学国王学院的韦农??波格丹诺(VernonBogdanor)表示那时英国算是“向成文的宪法迈进了一半”。

    And then , notes Vernon Bogdanor of King 's College London , Britain would be " halfway to a written constitution . "

  17. 英国有不成文的宪法,美国有成文的宪法。

    Britain has an unwritten constitution , and the United States has a written constitution .

  18. 此案并非为司法不予审理的政治问题,而是需要采用一般解释的方式来说明条约、成文法与美国宪法。

    The case does not present a nonjusticiable political question , but rather requires interpretation of treaties , statutes , and the United States Constitution using regular means of interpretation .