
mín yì dài biǎo
  • people's representative;parliamentarian
  1. 进而指出NGO与媒体进行舆论监督的合法性在于它们作为广泛民意代表的身份,强调舆论监督主体应回归于民众。

    Furthermore , since the NGO and media 's legitimacy existed in their identity as the public representatives , the author emphasized that the subject of consensus supervision should return to the public .

  2. 至于民意代表业者等人,检方建请法院从重量刑。

    The industry representatives and others , the prosecution asked the Court to build heavier sentencing .

  3. 并邀请民意代表、各友会代表、长官莅临指导,大会圆满成功顺利。

    And invites popular opinion delegate , Each friend can delegate , Ephor arrives guidance , Congress completion success smoothly .

  4. 我认为民意代表必须为美国在海外从事的工作发挥作用。现在正应该向全世界表明美国恪守我们的承诺。

    I believe that the peoples representatives must be invested in what America does abroad , and now is the time to show the world that America keeps our commitments .

  5. 它是由作为民意代表的大陪审团制约国家公诉权力的行使,具有独立性和制衡性等特点。

    It is , as a representative from the constraints of national grand jury indictment of the exercise of the powers , the independence of checks and balances and so on .

  6. 民意代表的意见代表民意,千万不可以只看赌博支持者所提供的赌博效益分析就做出决定,因为那些分析对于赌博所带来的税收和工作机会的描述都过于乐观。

    Legislators do not serve the public well by relying only on the " benefit analysis " provided by gambling supporters that paint overly optimistic pictures of tax revenue , jobs , etc.

  7. 这句语的意思就是说,一般人的行为,有一大部份都是取决于欲念,靠欲念才能做出决定的。例如:要升官,要当民意代表,要发财等等。

    It means that the common people 's conducts mostly depend on all kinds of desires , such as the desire of promotion , being the representative of public opinions , and making fortune etc.

  8. 根据西方分权与制衡的古典宪政原则,议会作为民意代表机关独享立法权,行政机关作为执行机关,其职能就是执行议会制定的法律。

    According to the classical constitutional principle of decentralization and balance in western countries , administrative organs , as enforcement organs , have the function of enforcing the law while parliament enjoys the power of lawmaking .

  9. 选举是古老的政权组织形式,是由选民依照法律规定的程序和方式,推举民意机关代表或国家公职人员的政治活动。

    Election is an old political organization form . It is a political activity to vote popular will officer of country employments by voters according to legal system and fashion .

  10. 他说,“立法委员应该是民意的代表,而这些人做过些什么来为我们争取权益呢?根本没做过什么。”

    The legislators are representatives of the people 's will and how much have they done much to represent our interest ? Not a whole lot , ' he said .

  11. 他说,立法委员应该是民意的代表,而这些人做过些什么来为我们争取权益呢?

    ' The legislators are representatives of the people 's will and how much have they done much to represent our interest ? Not a whole lot , ' he said .

  12. 其次,分析了网络技术发展的不均衡造成了民意的非代表性,使得政府决策的代表性不够全面。

    Second , it analyzes the uneven development of network technology created a public representative to the scientific decision-making by non-adverse effects .

  13. 而在实践中,抗战时期的立法体制具有明显的战时特征;1945年以后进入行宪时期后,立法院成为民意机关,代表了立法体制转向为以代议政治为核心。

    In practice , the legislative system during the anti-Japanese war had a wartime nature . Since 1945 when the constitutional stage came into practice , the legislative committee became the body of public opinion , changing the legislative system to the representational politics .

  14. 而且用固定电话的方式所做的民意调查也没有代表年青人。

    And polling , done by fixed-line telephone , under-represents young people .

  15. 权力制衡原则决定了美国法院不能以司法机关的普通身份来进行司法审查,而应以体现最高民意的宪法的代表机关这一特殊身份来进行。

    Equilibrium principle in power shows that the courts in United States can 't proceed the judicatory investigation with the common status of the judicial organ , but proceed with the special status of the organization of the tallest public sentiment in constitution .

  16. 网络民意能否真正体现民意,甚至能否代表民意的争论也愈演愈烈。

    The debate about the netizen opinion can reflect public opinions or not is intensified .