
  • 网络National God
  1. 壮族的英雄、家族与民族神:以桂西岑大将军庙为例

    The Zhuang People 's Hero , Clan and National God

  2. 直到中华民族在神的救恩里透出水晶的光明。

    Until China people releases a crystalline illumination in Christ 's salvation .

  3. 希伯来的先知们逐渐发展了一神论,这个神是全民族的神。

    The Hebrew prophets developed the concept of one God , a national deity .

  4. 这一切都要用一个事实来说明:各民族对于神的万能都有一种藏在内心里的感觉。

    All this is to be explained by a hidden sense the nations have of the omnipotence of God .

  5. 在图腾艺术中,龙是华夏和汉民族的保护神,更是中华民族的标志和象征。

    In Chinese totem art , dragon is the symbol of the Chinese since it is the patron saint of the Hans .

  6. 纳敖米向她说:「看,你的嫂子已回她民族和她的神那里去了,你也跟你的嫂子回去罢!

    And Noemi said to her : Behold thy kinswoman is returned to her people , and to her gods , go thou with her .

  7. 常羊本源于刑天神话,为古羌氐民族祭祀祖神之山,象征部族生存。

    The ChangYang mountain originating from the mythology about XingTian ( a famous hero of Chinese mythology ) is the symbol of tribal existence worshipped by the people of ancient Qiang nationality and the Di nationality .

  8. 这种对蛇又敬又畏的矛盾心理的根源,可以追溯到流行于众多民族中的大母神信仰:大母神向来具有正负双重神格,蛇正是女神的象征。

    This kind of contradictory can be traced back to the dual characteristic of Great Mother , and snake is just the symbol of goddess .

  9. 社火是中国传统节日文化中的重大娱乐活动之一,它是春节期间汉民族传统的娱神娱人的民间文艺活动,源自于对古老的土地与火的崇拜。

    Teeming activity is one of the entertaining activities of Chinese traditional festival cultures . As a traditional folk art performance of Han Nationality to entertain God and Man itself , teeming activity originates from the worship of ancient earth and fire .

  10. 用以爱国主义为核心的民族精神和以改革创新为核心的时代精神振奋起全民族的精气神。

    We need to boost the morale of the whole nation with the patriotism-imbued national spirit and call of the time , namely , reform and innovation .