
  • 网络populism
  1. 拉美研究中的民众主义:概念含义的演变

    Populism in Latin America Studies : Evolution of the Concept

  2. 阿根廷现代化进程中民众主义兴起的内因

    Internal Causes of the Emergence of Populism in the Modernization Process in Argentina

  3. 发端于先秦的民本思想,在西汉贾谊的论述中达到了高峰,并初步形成了民众主义理论体系。

    The people-centered thought which originated from pre-Qin dynasty , reached a peak in Jia Yi s statements and formed a preliminary theory of populism .

  4. 早期现代化理论学者和依附论学者强调民众主义概念的社会经济特征和历史阶段性特征,西方自由主义经济学界将民众主义界定为一种特定的经济政策。

    Modernization and dependency theory emphasized the economic characteristics of populism and related it to one phase of historical development , while liberal economics defined populism as a set of specific economic policies .

  5. 卢武玄还削减了对北朝鲜普通民众的人道主义援助。

    Mr Roh has also cut humanitarian assistance to ordinary North Koreans .

  6. 问题4.德国民众对军国主义有何看法?

    Question 4 . What 's the attitude of German people towards militarism ?

  7. 他否认了苏丹军队肆意轰炸平民或停止向民众发放人道主义救援的报道。

    He rejected reports that the Sudanese armed forces were indiscriminately bombing civilians or stopping the flow of humanitarian aid to people in need .

  8. 我们对马里人道主义形势恶化的报道表示担忧,呼吁国际社会继续与马里及其邻国合作,确保为受武装冲突影响的民众提供人道主义救助。

    We express concern about the reports of the deterioration in humanitarian conditions in Mali and call upon the international community to continue to cooperate with Mali and its neighboring countries in order to ensure humanitarian assistance to civilian population affected by the armed conflict .

  9. “我们希望首先获得过渡国民委员会维持强有力的稳定的政府,为民众提供人道主义和安全需求所需的资金开始。然后再去开展其他工作。”

    Nevertheless , U.S. officials " We want to start with getting the money that the TNC needs to maintain a strong and stable government , to provide for the humanitarian and security needs of its people . Then we will go on from there , " Nuland said .

  10. 美国希望保持在东亚地区的主导地位,以让该地区的市场继续向美国商品开放,其民众继续接受自由主义思想的熏陶。

    The US wants to maintain its east Asian dominance to keep the region 's markets open to American goods and its people open to liberal ideas .

  11. 广播谈话节目、社交媒体、大街上愤怒的民众合力将女权主义塑造成十分疯狂而且(或者)十分凶险的事物。

    talk radio , social media , and angry people in the streets are all combining to portray feminism as something uniquely crazy and / or threatening .