
  • 网络Socratic question
  1. 苏格拉底问题由“德性是知识吗”和“德性可教吗”所构成,长期以来,人们对苏格拉底问题存在许多误译、误读和误解。

    Socrate problem , consists of " Is Pharma knowledge " and " Can Pharma be taught ", people have many mistranslation , misreading , misunderstanding on it for ages .

  2. “苏格拉底问题”由“德性即知识”和“德性可教”两个命题所构成,围绕这两个命题存在着长期误解和以讹传讹现象。

    The " Socratic Problem " consists of two propositions , i.e. ," Virtue is knowledge " and " Virtue is teachable ", which have been misunderstood for a long time .

  3. 苏格拉底问题是西方传统中一个大问题,尼采与苏格拉底的争论是古代人和现代人争论的典型。

    The problem of Socrates is a great problem in western tradition . The contest between Nietzsche and Socrates is the representative of the contest between the ancients and the moderns .

  4. 本文从解决苏格拉底问题出发,从纵贯与横向两面对苏格拉底的生死哲学及其社会背景、历史渊源进行全面的考察分析。

    This article sets out from solving " Socrates ' problem ", and has an overall research around the philosophy of Socrates on life and death , social backgrounds and historical origin with two aspects vertically and horizontally .

  5. 关于苏格拉底问题,我们往往陷于异常的疑难;而正是这种疑难,不断鼓舞着我们去认识古代这种最可疑的现象的意义和目的。

    This is the reason why the figure of Socrates disturbs us so profoundly whenever we approach it , and why we are tempted again and again to plumb the meaning and intentions of the most problematical character among the ancients .

  6. 是道德悖论,还是价值冲突?&苏格拉底伦理问题解读

    Moral Paradox or Value Conflict ? & Deciphering Socrates ′ Ethic Problems

  7. 苏格拉底的问题启发了周围的人,包括一个名叫柏拉图的长得很结实的年轻摔跤手,他们追随着他,并且反过来向他提问题。

    Socrates ' questions inspired others including a burly young wrestler named Plato to follow him around and ask him questions .

  8. 但那个公式迫使我们回到,原始的苏格拉底式问题,即有关灵魂与城市的和谐。

    But that formula forces us to return to the original Socratic question about the harmony of the soul and the city .

  9. 传统美德向何处去?这是智者时代城邦的根本问题,也是苏格拉底的问题。

    Where the traditional virtue is going was not only one of the fundamental questions of the city-state in Sophists ' times but Socrates ' question as well .

  10. 苏格拉底的问题让所有人都傻了眼,于是他得出结论:神谕是正确的,他自己的确是最有智慧的人,因为他是唯一一个认识到自己无知的人。

    His questions made them all look foolish , and Socrates decided that the Oracle was right , that he was indeed the wisest because he was the only one who knew of his own ignorance .

  11. 第一章:分析苏格拉底对道德教育问题的思考与探讨。

    Firstly , analyze Socrates ' thinking on the question-can virtue be taught .

  12. 最后一部分对《申辩》、《会饮》和《斐多》中苏格拉底形象进行了简单的分析,既是对尼采与苏格拉底之争的一个总结,也意在开启苏格拉底问题的第二次起航。

    In the last part , I try to turn on " the second sailing " of the problem of Socrates by analyzing the image of Socrates in Apology of Socrates , Symposium and Phaedo .