
  • 网络communitarianism;communitarian;communalism
  1. 社群主义的国家观与自由主义是具有较大差异的。

    View of the state of communitarianism and liberalism is quite different .

  2. 社群主义认为社群才是政治分析的基本变量。

    Communitarianism takes community as the basic element for its political analysis .

  3. 在新政府看来,另一个严重问题是社群主义。

    The other serious problem in the eyes of the new government is communalism

  4. 这也是自由主义&社群主义之辩的实质问题。

    This is also the substantive matter of liberal-communitarian debates .

  5. 社群主义和集体主义伦理思想之异同

    A Comparative Study on Ethics Thoughts of Communitarianism and Collectivism

  6. 社群主义认为,社群才具有对个人的优先地位。

    Communalism holds that social community has precedence over individuals .

  7. 在这些批评中,来自社群主义者的批评最为激烈。

    Among these criticism , communitarianism is the strongest one .

  8. 当代西方社群主义与我国集体主义价值观的建构

    Contemporary Western Communitarianism and Construction of Collectivist Values in China

  9. 查尔斯·泰勒是当代政治思潮中社群主义的代表人物之一。

    Charles Taylor is one of the representatives of communitarianism .

  10. 德性优先于权利&对社群主义伦理的一种解读

    Virtue Prior to Right & An analysis of the ethnics of the Communitarianism

  11. 自我概念之诠释及其冲突&社群主义和伦理学中的反理论思潮对自由主义自我概念的批判

    On the Explanation of Self Concept and Its Conflicts

  12. 社群主义与自由主义国家观的理论分殊及其哲学根源

    Theoretical Differences between State Concepts of Communitarianism and Liberalism and Their Philosophical Root

  13. 社群主义政治哲学的理论建构和困境

    Theoretical Construction and Dilemma of Communitarianism Political Philosophy

  14. 国际关系伦理中的普遍主义与特殊主义&基于世界主义与社群主义理论的比较分析

    Universalism and Particularism in International Ethics : An Analysis Based on Cosmopolitanism and Communitarianism

  15. 总而言之,这些习惯和口味不太像自恋,而更像社群主义。

    Taken together , these habits and tastes look less like narcissism than communalism .

  16. 董仲舒的伦理政治思想与社群主义有很多相似之处。

    Dong Zhongshu 's ethical and political thought is similar to communitarianism in some aspects .

  17. 第三条道路与社群主义政治哲学思想之比较研究

    A Comparative Study of the Political Thoughts between " The Third Way " and Communitarianism

  18. 文章又分析了社群主义正义观兴起的理论理论渊源。

    The paper also analyzes the theoretical origin of the rise of communitarianism justice theory .

  19. 西方思想界与中国思想界都存在自由主义与社群主义的争论。

    The disputes between liberalism and communitarianism have existed around Western and Chinese academic circles .

  20. 论社群主义权利观对中国法治建设的启示

    The Revelations of Communitarian Conception of Rights for China 's Construction of the Rule of Law

  21. 儒家社群主义作为一种社会与政治思想,其基本观念在先秦儒家那里就已具备。

    As a social and political thought , basic communitarian ideas appeared in the Pre-chin Confucianism .

  22. 但大部分选民并不知道,社群主义不再是左翼知识分子的宠儿。

    But the electorate mostly does not know that communitarianism is no longer in intellectual fashion .

  23. 社群主义是西方政治哲学的一个重要流派,它是在对抗新自由主义的过程中逐步形成的。

    Communitarianism is an important school in western philosophy , which is formed in confronting new-liberalism .

  24. 因此可以肯定社群主义国家存在着严重的市场缺陷。

    As a result , it is definite that there are market imperfections in communitarianism countries .

  25. 新自由主义、社群主义和新左派对保守自由主义的弱政府理论提出了猛烈批评。

    New Liberalism , Communitarian and New Left criticize fierily the weak government theory of Neo-liberalism .

  26. 他有社群主义的倾向。

    He has communitarian inclinations .

  27. 所谓的“自由主义与社群主义”之争成了全世界哲学课的理论源泉。

    The so-called " liberal-communitarian " debate became a staple in philosophy courses all over the world .

  28. 社群主义的政策理念围绕自治和秩序提倡信念对话。

    The policy idea of communitarianism has centered on autonomy and order , and it advocates faith dialogue .

  29. 当代社群主义对西方主流的自由主义政治和道德哲学发出了理论挑战。

    Contemporary communitarianism poses a theoretical challenge to the political and moral philosophy of the western prevalent liberalism .

  30. 社会化的进程要求人与人之间的合作,社会化实际上是个人主义走向社群主义的过程。

    Socialization process which requires co-operation between people , society of individualism is actually the process towards communitarianism .