
  1. 调动一切积极因素,增强全社会创造活力等。

    Transferring all positive factors and strengthening the entire social creation vigor .

  2. 激发全社会创造活力的几点探讨

    Discussions on stimulating the creativity of the whole society

  3. 公正是社会创造活力的源泉,也是提高人民满意度的一杆秤,政府理应是社会公正的守护者。

    Fairness is a source of societal creativity and yardstick for improving the peoples satisfaction with the work of the government . The government should be the guardian for social fairness .

  4. 这有利于放宽市场准入,更好创造营商环境,鼓励公平竞争,建设法治经济,也会更多释放改革红利,激发社会创造活力,稳定市场预期。

    This will enable us to expand market access , foster a better business environment , encourage fair competition , develop a law-based economy , unleash greater dividends of reform , spark social creativity , and stabilize market expectations .

  5. 社会主义和谐社会的创造活力,体现在经济活力、政治活力、文化活力、社会活力等诸方面。

    The creativity of a harmonious socialist society involves in economic vigor , political vigor , cultural vigor and social vigor .

  6. 为此,我们要采取科学的战略举措,激发全社会的创造活力,以推动科学发展、促进社会和谐。

    So , we have to take a scientific strategic move to stimulate the whole society 's creativity , for promoting scientific development and social harmony .

  7. 要调动一切积极因素,最大限度地激发全社会的创造活力,让一切创造财富的源泉充分涌流,使社会成员在有所作为中感受更大的幸福。三要在和谐社会关系的营造中提升民众幸福。

    To promote all positive factors , stimulate the creativity of the whole society maximally , so that the source of all wealth-creating can full play and the people can have the maximum well-being sense . Then , we should make people become happy people in the harmonious social relations .

  8. 试论激发社会主体的创造活力

    Talking about Inspiriting the Creative Vitality of Social Main-bodies Create Efforts

  9. 社会和谐与社会充满创造活力二者是内在统一的。

    Social harmony and social , vigorous creation are both unite as a whole .

  10. 这一新的执政理念的提出对于维护我们社会的长治久安、增强全社会的创造活力具有极为重要的意义。

    This idea has great significance to maintaining the prolonged political stability and creative vigor of our society .

  11. 坚持以人为本、构建社会主义和谐社会,就要做到依法治国与以德治国有机结合,努力实现社会公平正义,激发社会创造活力,实现社会的稳定。

    We have to govern the country by means of law and morality , realize social equality and justice , arouse social creative vitality and ensure social stability in order to create a harmonious society according to people-oriented principle .

  12. 哲学社会科学作为推动历史发展和社会进步的重要力量,肩负着不断为构建和谐社会激发全社会的创造活力的时代使命。

    As an important force to advance the development of history and the progress of society , philosophy social science assumes a historical mission in continuously motivating the creating vitality of the whole society for building a harmonious society .