
  • 网络scientific governance
  1. 社会和谐、社会政策与科学执政

    Social Harmony , Social Policy and Scientific Governance

  2. 自然资源的有效配置与科学执政

    The Effective Disposition of Natural Resources and Scientific Rule

  3. 探索执政规律坚持科学执政

    Explore Administration Patterns and Stick to Scientific Administration

  4. 关于科学执政研究的两个问题

    Two Issues Concerning the Study of Scientific Ruling

  5. 从哲学视角看科学执政

    Scientific Administration from the Viewpoint of Philosophy

  6. 同时指出目前党的执政方式也存在诸多问题:科学执政的意识还未完全树立;

    There are many problems in the party 's ruling way : The consciousness of scientific ruling is not completely set up ;

  7. 要按照科学执政的要求,落实科学发展观,把握行政体制改革的规律性;

    We should carry out the scientific development conception and grasp the laws of administrative system reform according to the requirements of scientific ruling ;

  8. 科学执政的根本是在把握执政规律的基础上构建科学的执政体制;

    The base of the scientific ruling is to structure the scientific ruling system on the basis of grasping the law of the ruling way ;

  9. 科学执政就是在科学理论的指导下,在把握科学规律的基础上,按照科学的制度和方法来执政;

    Scientific governing is one under the guide of scientific theory , on the basis of scientific regulation , according to the scientific system and method ;

  10. 本文主旨是通过阐述和研究党和政府之间的内在关系,对有效执政、改革和完善党对政府领导的一些问题需要进一步深入探索和研究。自然资源的有效配置与科学执政

    This thesis investigate deep these problems by explain an inside relation between Party and the government . The Effective Disposition of Natural Resources and Scientific Rule

  11. 坚持全面、协调、可持续发展的科学执政理念,不断提高党在执政中的统筹兼顾能力和实现人与自然和谐发展的能力。

    We should insist on the overall , coordinative and sustainable scientific executive notion , constantly improve the Party 's overall planning ability and the ability to realize the harmonious development between man and nature .

  12. 其次,论文从现实意义论证科学执政制度化的必要性,指出了科学执政制度化可以避免的执政失误和可以达到的执政效果。

    Then the article expounded and proved the necessary of the institutionalized of governance by science theoretical , and point out the effect of governance and the failure avoided by the institutionalized of governance by science .

  13. 没有探索科学的执政理论作指导。

    Lack of the scientific ruling theory as a guide .

  14. 科学认识执政环境是增强党的执政能力的基本条件。

    Scientific understanding of the ruling environment is the postulate to strengthen the party ruling capability .

  15. 另一方面,更为重要的是政府通过树立科学的执政观念、建立健全危机应对与危机传播体制、拓宽民意表达渠道、强化多渠道监督等方式,通过改革增强危机传播能力,构建政府公信力。

    On the other hand , governments should establish the scientific ruling concept , improve crisis response and communication system , broaden the channels for the communication with public opinion , open doors to multi-channel for supervision . Moreover , governments should reform and construct the credibility .

  16. 执政科学性和执政合法性是政党执政的两个根本问题,政党的执政方式与这两个问题密切相关。

    Government scientificity and government legitimacy , which are related with the party 's government style , are the two basic problems of party government .

  17. 树立科学的领导干部执政能力观

    Establishing the Scientific Outlook of Governing Capacity of Leading Cadres

  18. 论文第二部分是科学技术与政党执政互动的路径分析。

    The second part of the paper is a route analysis , on the interaction between science-technology and political party governance .

  19. 科学发展观是执政主体理性认识的产物,这里面当然具有内在的科学精神。

    The scientific concept of development is the product of rational thinking of body in power and includes scientific spirit inherently .