
  1. 克里卡列夫表示,科学号的发动机点火是因为控制系统出现错误。

    Krikalev said Nauka 's engines fired because of a mistake in the control system .

  2. 科学号是2010年以来国际空间站俄罗斯部分的首个全新太空舱。

    Nauka is the first new module for the Russian part of the International Space Station since 2010 .

  3. 问题发生在7月29日,当时俄罗斯科学号实验舱的发动机在它对接国际空间站后不久就启动了。

    The problem happened on July 29 when engines on Russia 's Nauka laboratory module fired shortly after it arrived at the International Space Station .

  4. 现代科学的110号元素被归纳与这五大根基元素。

    The110 elements of modern science are subsets of these five categories .

  5. 游标式时号-即科学式时号

    Vernier type time signal

  6. 2010年05月21日中国社会科学院19号发布了《商业蓝皮书:2009年至2010年中国商业发展报告》。

    2010-05-21 The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences on Wednesday ( May19 ) released the " Business Blue Paper : China Business Development Report ( 2009-2010 )" .

  7. 本研究得到陕西省自然科学基金(基金号2003G15)的资助。

    Supported by Nature Science Foundation of Shaanxi ( NO. 2003G15 ) .

  8. 这个发现发表在杂志《科学公共图书馆1号》

    The finding is the journal Public Library of Science ONE .

  9. 广东省天然科学基金(批准号:)资助的课题。

    Project supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province , China ( Grant No. ) .

  10. 国家青年科学基金(批准号:)资助的课题。

    Project supported by the National Science Foundation for Young Scientists of China ( Grant No. ) .

  11. 神州工程物理研究院科学基金(批准号:)的课题。

    Project supported by the Science Foundation of China Academy of Engineering Physics , China ( Grant No. ) .

  12. 每日科学9月2号报道&根据美国普渡大学的一项研究,膳食补充剂未必如其声称的那样对绝经后妇女的骨骼健康有所帮助。

    ScienceDaily ( Sep.2,2009 ) & Dietary supplements claiming to help postmenopausal women with bone health may not be doing what they say , according to new research from Purdue University .

  13. 本文对1985&1987年中国科学院实验3号考察船三个航次的赤道西太平洋考察资料的分析表明,海洋输向大气的热通量随季节变化不明显,各通量总的分布是西高东低。

    Analyses from data of three investigation cruises to Equatorial West Pacific indicate that the heat-flux from ocean to atmosphere is not obvious with seasonal change . Total distribution of each influx is high in the west and low in the east .