
  • 网络psychology;Scientific Psychology;The Psychology of Science;Scientifically Oriented Psychology
  1. 科学心理学自诞生以来,学者们对其学科性质、科学类别一直存在争议,至今尚未形成共论。

    Since the birth of psychology many scholars and scientists have discussed the nature of psychology , however , there have been controversies in its disciplinary nature and scientific category .

  2. 冯特(WilhelmWundt,1832-1920)是现代科学心理学的创始人,被誉为心理学之父。

    Wundt ( Wilhelm Wundt , 1832.8.16-1920.8.13 ) was the founder of modern psychology , applauded as the " father of psychology " .

  3. 这是科学心理学的一个分支。

    SCIENCE That is a branch of scientific psychology .

  4. 这为科学心理学的发展和进步提供了非常丰富和重要的心理学思想理论、心理学研究方法、心理学干预技术。

    Those have provided very plentiful and important theories , methods and techniques .

  5. 认知心理学的兴起是西方科学心理学的重大发展。

    The rising of cognitive psychology is the important development of western scientific psychology .

  6. 西方科学心理学一直是将心理学的研究对象确定为心理现象。

    Western scientific psychology always takes psychological phenomenon as the object of psychological study .

  7. 那么常识心理学是否真的存在呢?科学心理学和常识心理学概念是冲突的吗?

    Is there any serious conflict between Scientific Psychology concepts and Folk Psychology concepts ?

  8. 常识心理学占科学心理学的演化、发展共同建构了心理学的历史。

    The evolution of commonsense psychology and scientific psychology constitutes the history of psychology .

  9. 在科学心理学史上,冯特是一个不可或缺的奠基性人物。

    In the history of scientific psychology , Wilhelm Wundt is one of the founders .

  10. 对科学心理学研究的思考

    Thoughts on Science Psychology Research

  11. 后者既是宗教活动提供的传统文化资源,同时也是现代科学心理学的传统历史资源。

    The latter is the traditional resource in religious cultures , and historical resource of modern scientific psychology .

  12. 20世纪后半叶是中国音乐心理学从哲学心理学走向科学心理学的转型时期。

    The late20th century is a time when the Chinese musical psychology changed from philosophy psychology intoscientific one .

  13. 费尔巴哈的心理强制说并不是罪刑法定原则的科学心理学依据。

    The theory of mental compulsion advocated by Feuerbach is not the basis of the principle of legality .

  14. 哲学的心理学是心理学最古老的历史形态之一。在科学心理学诞生之前,心理学就寄生在哲学之中,是哲学的一个探索领域。

    Psychology is one of the most ancient morphologies , long rooted in the philosophy before the scientific psychology .

  15. 西方心理学的发展已走过近2600年的历史,经历了哲学心理学与科学心理学两个发展时期。

    The western psychology had two developmental periods : one was philosophical psychology and the other was scientific psychology .

  16. 科学心理学实证化的方法体系、惟理性的价值取向使奥林匹克数学课程成了机械的逻辑演绎知识体系。

    The scientific psychological empirical methodology and value system made Olympic maths course a kind of mechanic logic knowledge system .

  17. 科学心理学为我们连接逻辑实证主义维度、历史维度和社会维度提供了一个联结点。

    The psychology of science provides a link for us to connect logical positivism dimension , historical dimension and social dimension .

  18. 中国本土的心理学传统应成为中国科学心理学发展的有益的文化资源、思想资源、学术资源。

    Chinese indigenous psychology has to be a beneficial cultural , ideological and academic resource of the development of Chinese psychology .

  19. 积极心理学一改美国传统心理学往日消极的形象,初步实现了心理学由消极向积极的转变,代表了当代科学心理学的最新发展,体现了认知心理学与人本心理学的初步融合。

    Positive psychology has changed the negative image of traditional American psychology . It pushes the transformation from negative psychology to positive psychology .

  20. 常识心理学重归心理学研究的视野,可为科学心理学超越自身局限提供资源。

    Reintegrating into the horizon of psychological studies , commonsense psychology is helpful in providing resources for the scientific psychology to transcend its limitations .

  21. 科学心理学把科学当作一种高级的认知活动,主张用心理学的方法来研究科学行为与科学思想。

    The Psychology of Science see science as a high-level cognitive activities , advocate to use psychology approach to research science and scientific thoughts .

  22. 量的研究促进了科学心理学的诞生,并取得了丰硕的成果,但其自身也有难以克服的障碍。

    Quantitative research advances the birth and the development of scientific psychology , and has acquired rich achievements , but it has itself invincible defects .

  23. 意识和无意识的相互关系曾经是纯粹的哲学问题,科学心理学的诞生促进了对这一问题的实证视角考察。

    The relationship between consciousness and unconsciousness was ever pure philosophy problem . The emergency of scientific psychology promoted the review on this problem from experimental angle .

  24. 文化心理学作为当代心理学文化转向中的一支重要力量,是科学心理学关注文化问题的必然结果。

    Cultural psychology , an important force in the cultural transition of modern psychology , is the inevitable result in which scientific psychology is concerned about culture .

  25. 尽管他本人没有系统地进行过科学心理学的研究,但在其留给后人的文化遗产中却闪烁着心理学思想的火花。

    He left the cultural heritage in which the thoughts on psychology sparkled for later generations , though he hadn 't systemically studied in the scientific psychology .

  26. 西方科学心理学在经过百余年的发展取得巨大成就的同时,也遇到一些困境的阻碍和束缚。

    Western science psychology has acquired great achievement in the past over 100 years , at the same time it also meets the bar of some psychological predicament .

  27. 但是,人文科学心理学因为其固有的不足使得他们在讨论人的主体性时仅仅是一种微弱的声音,或者说一种主体性意识的觉醒。

    But , because of its inherent lack of the humanities psychology , their discussion of human subjectivity is only a weak voice , or the consciousness of subjectivity .

  28. 这些特征给心理学的发展带来了诸多的困境,表现在心理学的破碎和分裂、引发科学心理学和人文心理学两种文化的冲突和与社会文化的脱节。

    The fraction and disintegration of psychology , the conflicts of the scientism and humanism in psychology , and the detachment from its culture are the three manifestations of the dilemmas .

  29. 文章试图从分析康德对冯特创立的科学心理学的影响来揭示康德对科学心理学的巨大贡献。

    It is the aim of this paper that Kant has made a great contribution on scientific psychology by an analysis of Kant 's influencing the scientific psychology created by wundt .

  30. 对于心理学而言,现象学心理学的两种研究取向提供了科学心理学之外的另一种研究途径,并且使得心理学更加真正地面向生活。

    For psychology , phenomenological psychology provides another way to studying mind in addition to scientific psychology influenced mainly by positivism takes , and prompts psychology to face the real life world .