
  1. 科威特首相表示愿意加强两国的高层交往。

    Kuwait expressed a willingness to increase high-level visits between the two countries .

  2. 他在中东最高级别的治理合约是2009年的帮助科威特改革首相办公室的合约,不过该项目在2012年被终止了。

    His most high - profile governance contract in the Middle East was helping to reform the Kuwaiti prime minister 's office in 2009 , but the project was closed down in 2012 .

  3. 当被问到科威特类似的措施时,科威特副首相萨巴赫强调说,科威特支持美国倡导的和平努力,他不愿详细说明。

    Asked if Kuwait is ready to take such steps , Deputy Prime Minister al-Sabah stressed Kuwaiti support for U.S. - led peace efforts but would not be specific .