
qīng màn
  • slight;treat sb. without proper respect;treat sb.without proper respect;trifle with
轻慢 [qīng màn]
  • [treat sb.without proper respect;slight] 轻视怠慢

轻慢[qīng màn]
  1. 轻慢某人以致不停下与其说话。

    To slight someone by not stopping to talk to them .

  2. 罗姆尼的一名顾问奈尔加德纳(nilegardiner)夸张地列出了一份清单,宣称上面都是表明奥巴马政府轻慢英国的一些事实,其中大多数连英国人自己都没有注意到。

    While Nile Gardiner , one Romney adviser , has made a fetish of compiling lists of alleged slights to Britain by the Obama administration , most of these have failed to register with the British themselves .

  3. 克里斯蒂娜在吃早饭的时候曾经轻慢地提到他。

    Christine had referred slightingly to him at breakfast .

  4. 他嘴角挂着近乎轻慢的微笑看着奈德。

    He eyed Ned with a smile on his lips that bordered on insolence .

  5. 这下肯定疼得不轻慢着

    This is really going to hurt.Wait !

  6. 舟山渔民对龙王既有信仰崇敬,又有蔑视、轻慢的双重心理。

    Zhou Shan fishermen hold the dual mentality esteem yet contempt towards the Sea Dragon King .

  7. 华恩,愿我们再一次被提醒,神是轻慢不得的!

    Charis , let us be reminded once again , God is not to be profaned !

  8. 那些随肉身,纵污秽的情欲,轻慢主治之人的,更是如此。

    But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness , and despise government .

  9. 贪财的背弃耶和华,并且轻慢他(或作他祝福贪财的,却轻慢耶和华)。

    He boasts of the cravings of his heart ; he blesses the greedy and reviles the LORD .

  10. 那撒谎的人,逞骄傲轻慢,出狂妄的话攻击义人。愿他的嘴哑而无言。

    Let their lying lips be silenced , for with pride and contempt they speak arrogantly against the righteous .

  11. 恶人为何轻慢神,心里说,你必不追究。

    Wherefore doth the wicked contemn God ? he hath said in his heart , Thou wilt not require it .

  12. 耶稣说,我不是鬼附着的。我尊敬我的父,你们倒轻慢我。

    Jesus answered , I have not a devil ; but I honour my father , and ye do dishonour me .

  13. 他在罪上又加悖逆。在我们中间拍手,用许多言语轻慢神。

    For he addeth rebellion unto his sin , he clappeth his hands among us , and multiplieth his words against god .

  14. 彼得提醒信徒们这位轻慢不得的神在圣经里讲到耶稣一定会回来。

    Peter reminds the believers that this is the same God Who tells us in His Word that the Lord Jesus will surely return !

  15. 深刻的思索和轻慢的戏谑,强烈的社会责任感和享乐的人生态度,夹杂并行,却无关对错。

    Profound meditations and lighthearted mocking , strong social responsibilities and the insistence on enjoying life – all are twisted together without denoting right or wrong .

  16. 弗兰姆顿·纳托绞尽脑汁想找些得体的话来说,盼望既能恰当地奉承眼前的侄女,又不让马上就要下来的姑姑感觉受到轻慢。

    Framton Nuttel endeavored to say the correct something which should duly flatter the niece of the moment without unduly discounting the aunt that was to come .

  17. 语言学上认识的偏差导致了白话文运动对包括诗语、诗体和诗情在内的诗性的轻慢。

    The deviation of this linguistic understanding resulted in the fact that the poetic nature including poetic type , language and passion was treated without proper respect .

  18. 措施:(1)放松练习:前倾依靠位,头颈部左右轻慢旋转10分钟;

    Measures : ( 1 ) Relaxation training : In a relaxed sitting position , let the patient turn head left and right slowly for 10 mins ;

  19. 这个理由是,希望中国在感受到被排除的轻慢后,能够发奋改革经济,以便以后能够加入。

    The hope is that Beijing , slighted by its exclusion , may be goaded into reforming its economy so it can join at a later stage .

  20. 其中,自由伦理张扬的是现代个人的生命感觉,美感是现代个人不可轻慢的生命意识,艺术则是现代个人对抗虚无的精神家园。

    Aesthetic feeling , which is a kind of life consciousness to modern individual , can not be contempted . Art is spiritual homestead where modern individuals withstand nihilism .

  21. 主说,你们这轻慢的人要观看,要惊奇,要灭亡。因为在你们的时候,我行一件事,虽有人告诉你们,你们总是不信。

    Look , you scoffers , wonder and perish , for I am going to do something in your days that you would never believe , even if someone told you .

  22. 但是,病毒仍然会有致命的可能,而且在不久的将来可能会变成以一种更可怕的方式致命,所以人们不应该轻慢,他补充道。

    But the virus can still be deadly and may change into a more frightening form in the near future , and so people should not be complacent , he added .

  23. 伟大的文学作品都具有一个共同优点,他们能将国内国际事态的未成型一面传递给细心读者,却同时于理性无所轻慢。

    A virtue of great literary works is that , while not slighting rational thought , they manage to convey the inchoate aspects of affairs within and between states to attentive readers .

  24. 在你中间有轻慢父母的,有欺压寄居的,有亏负孤儿寡妇的。

    In thee have they set light by father and mother : in the midst of thee have they dealt by oppression with the stranger : in thee have they vexed the fatherless and the widow .