
qīng piān tān
  • hemiparesis
轻偏瘫[qīng piān tān]
  1. 局灶性神经表现,包括轻偏瘫,感觉缺失,视野缺损。

    Focal neurological features including hemiparesis , sensory loss , visual field deficits .

  2. 这些患者均还有慢性轻偏瘫。他们中风后至少6月,其身体的某一侧有肌力减退和感觉减退。

    The patients had chronic hemiparesis , which is weakness on one side of the body , at least six months after a stroke .

  3. 评估慢性卒中后轻偏瘫患者肘关节牵张反射的可信度

    Reliability of elbow stretch reflex assessment in chronic post-stroke hemiparesis

  4. 丘脑出血致感觉减退共济失调轻偏瘫19例报告

    Sensory Ataxic Hemiparesis in 19 Patients with Thalamic Hemorrhage

  5. 既往对侧脑卒中后辐射冠梗死所致同侧轻偏瘫

    Ipsilateral hemiparesis caused by a corona radiata infarct after a previous stroke on the opposite side

  6. 暂时性对侧肢体轻偏瘫2例,脑室引流术致严重血管痉挛及颅内感染死亡1例。

    Temporary contralateral hemiplegia occurred in 2 cases . 1 patient died of severe vasospasm and intracranial infection after ventricular drainage .

  7. 马尾受压综合症的临床症状是非特异性的,单侧肢体轻偏瘫、下腰部疼痛、感觉异常、步态不稳。

    Symptoms are nonspecific with cauda equina syndrome , monoparesis , radicular or low back pain , paresthesias , and gait disturbances .

  8. 重偏瘫患者与轻偏瘫患者腹外斜肌、腰竖脊肌及胸竖脊肌在旋转中的表现与正常人无明显差异。

    There is no difference of external oblique , lumber erector spinae , thoracic erector spinae and between normals , hemiplegia and hemiparesis .

  9. 其余11例采用开颅血肿清除术,术后9例恢复平稳,另2例遗有轻偏瘫和不完全性运动失语。

    There were still 11 cases who had craniotomy , among which 9 cases recovered smoothly and 2 cases existed hemiparesis and partial motor aphasia .

  10. 皮层后型74例,占38.5%,病灶在大脑中动脉和大脑后动脉边缘区,呈楔形,临床以轻偏瘫、情感淡漠为主要表现。

    In 74 cases ( 38 . 5 % ) the infarcts also appeared as wedge-shaped areas on CT scan and MRI , but located at marginal zones between the middle and posterior cerebral arteries , the patients mainly showed mild hemiparesis and apathy .

  11. 梅花针轻扣偏瘫肢体痉挛劣势侧。

    Cutaneous needle was used on the recessive side of spasm limbs of hemiplegia .