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qīng yíng
  • lithe;slim and graceful;lissom
轻盈 [qīng yíng]
  • (1) [slim and graceful;lithe]∶轻柔秀丽

  • 他们那些马穿上铠甲,仍然轻盈、矫健

  • (2) [lithe]∶姿态、动作轻巧优美

  • 她那柔软纤细的体形、轻盈优美的动作

轻盈[qīng yíng]
  1. 蚕都蚕丝被有轻盈柔软、透气透湿,冬暖夏凉的特点。

    The silkworm is all have slim and graceful and soft , ventilative silk completely wet , cool in summer and warm in winter characteristics .

  2. 有人说婺源是一首诗,古朴而又抒情;又有人说婺源是首歌,旋律优雅轻盈。

    Some people say that Wuyuan is like a poem simple , unsophisticated and emotional , and some people say that Wuyuan is like a song , slim and graceful .

  3. 身为拳击手,他的脚步总是十分轻盈。

    As a boxer , he was always light on his feet .

  4. 她轻盈地下楼来迎接我们。

    She floated down the steps to greet us .

  5. 我听到她步履轻盈地在走廊上走过。

    I heard her feet pattering along the corridor .

  6. 她步履轻盈。

    She walks with feline grace .

  7. 雪花轻盈飘落,无声无息。

    The snow was light and noiseless as it floated down .

  8. 缎子拖鞋轻盈地踏过沾着露珠的草地。

    The satin slippers tread daintily through the dewy grass .

  9. 他走路轻盈而优雅。

    His walk was lithe and graceful .

  10. 脚步轻盈灵活的瓦尔学会了跳探戈舞。

    Val , who was light and nimble on her feet , learnt to dance the tango .

  11. 陪伴我们的仅有那只盘旋的信天翁,它在游艇后面优雅轻盈地翱翔。

    Our only companion is the wandering albatross , which glides effortlessly and gracefully behind the yacht .

  12. 她最后检查了一下妆容,然后步履轻盈地走了出去。

    She checked her makeup one last time , and then walked out with a spring in her step .

  13. 这块斜裁料如蛛网一般轻盈地从一女子身上垂下来。

    The fabric , cut on the bias , hangs as light as a cobweb off a woman 's body .

  14. 羽毛轻盈地飘在空中。

    The feather floated lightly in the air .

  15. 她是一个苍白、轻盈的人。

    She was a pale , ethereal creature .

  16. 接见我的是位长挑身材,袅娜轻盈、神采奕奕的老太太,七十多岁的年纪,满头白发,依然清秀漂亮。

    I was received by a tall , lithe , vibrant woman in her70 's , white-haired , and still beautiful .

  17. 他像拳击手一样踮着脚轻盈移动。

    He moved lightly on his toes like a boxer .

  18. 他的作品通常给人以灵动而轻盈的观感。

    His works often present a smart and lissome feeling .

  19. 看那空中漂浮着你轻盈的舞姿。

    Look at the air floating your lissom dance .

  20. 最后我栖居在温暖里,与你轻盈在这个时节。

    Finally I resided in warm , and your lissom in this season .

  21. 蛛网上的甘露光彩轻盈

    Manna in cobweb lusters with lightness .

  22. 轻盈的桦皮舟像一条大鱼,在滚滚的黑色波涛和冰排中间飞一般地前进。

    The lissome birchbark canoe seemed to be a fish , so easily did it cut through the rolling black waves and ranks of ice .

  23. 铝坚固而轻盈,堪称AppleWatchSport的理想原材料。

    Aluminum is naturally strong and lightweight . It 's the ideal material for Apple Watch Sport .

  24. 蝴蝶扑闪着色彩斑斓的翅膀轻盈飞舞于花丛中,这样的美景应该是交际花(socialbutterfly)这个说法灵感的来源。

    The light passage from standing flowers , and the frequently colorful wings of butterfly has inspired the term social butterfly .

  25. 这些酒口感各异,既有俄勒冈州酒厂TeutonicWineCompany酿制的那种轻盈、散发果香的半干西万尼,也有一些比较紧涩的上阿迪杰产西万尼。

    The wines ranged from a light and fruity , off-dry Silvaner by the Teutonic Wine Company in Oregon to some more austere Sylvaners from Alto Adige .

  26. Sport系列,搭配离子交换玻璃表面,以及阳极氧化铝金属表壳,比普通合金坚固60%,却极为轻盈、耐用。

    The Sport Collection has an Ion exchange cover glass and an anodized aluminum case that is 60 % stronger than standard alloys , and yet it 's incredibly light and durable .

  27. 去年,杜加尔凭借自己的香港黑麦啤(HongKongBlackAle)获得了香港首届自酿啤酒大赛(HongKongHomebrewCompetition)的冠军。这款啤酒味道浓郁但酒体轻盈,有一丝咖啡和巧克力的味道。

    Mr. Dugar won last year 's inaugural Hong Kong Homebrew Competition with his Hong Kong Black Ale , a roasty but light-bodied brew with hints of coffee and chocolate .

  28. 而索尼则称,自己的XperiaZ平板是全球最纤薄、日本最轻盈的产品。

    Sony claims its Xperia Tablet Z is the world 's slimmest tablet , and Japan 's lightest .

  29. 产品详细信息光洁柔嫩妆容,保护肌肤免受UV射线的伤害,独特的细微色彩粒子,轻盈透明,每天使用,让妆容持久、服贴。

    Soft , smooth look that helps protect against UV radiation damage , the unique subtle color particles , lightweight transparent , and daily use , to turn up lasting , your body .

  30. 这件黑色长及大腿中部的大衣带有意大利国旗的图案,在右胸的口袋上还有G8的文字标识。面料是轻盈但却结实的棉织物,防水透气。

    The black mid-thigh jacket features an Italian flag and G8 logo on the right . It is made of a light but strong which is