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qīng shì
  • despise;belittle;look down on;neglect;slight;underestimate;disparage;make light of;trivialize;depreciate;undervalue;contemn;set down;set sth. at naught
轻视 [qīng shì]
  • (1) [despise;look down on]∶小看或讨厌

  • 大学的文科院系轻视师范教育

  • (2) [neglect]∶不认真看待

  • 他轻视通讯往来

轻视[qīng shì]
  1. v.轻视在战略上我们要藐视一切敌人,在战术上我们要重视一切敌人。

    despise Strategically we should despise all our enemies , but tactically we should take them all seriously .

  2. vt.轻视,鄙视傻瓜轻视智慧和教育。……

    despise Fools despise wisdom and instruction .......

  3. 在大不里士没人敢轻视行刑者。

    No man in Tabriz trifled with the executioner .

  4. 我并不轻视喜剧。

    I don 't look down my nose at comedy

  5. 他过于谦虚,甚至到了自我轻视的程度。

    He was modest to the point of self-effacement .

  6. 许多公司轻视女员工。

    Many companies deal with their female employees in a way that undervalues them .

  7. 对于长辈的规劝,我们不应轻视。

    We should not set light by the advice of our seniors .

  8. 他轻视所有的社会习俗。

    He sets at naught every convention of society .

  9. 这是不可以轻视的。

    It is not to be sneezed at .

  10. 不要轻视理论的作用。

    Don 't underestimate the role of theory .

  11. 我们应该蔑视困难,但绝不应轻视它们。

    We should spurn at the difficulties but not look down upon them .

  12. 有些人轻视劳动。

    Some people disdain labour .

  13. 当服务生们看重小费时,服务会更周到,可能是因为他们看到了成功掩饰对你轻视之后得到的好处。

    The service is better when waiters depend on tips , presumably because they see a benefit to successfully veiling their contempt for you .

  14. 当你轻视他人时,真正渺小的其实是你自己。

    When you belittle others , you are actually the one who appears small .

  15. 他因背教而受轻视。

    He was looked down upon for apostasy .

  16. 他们与耶稣同在时,只要有人对耶稣表示轻视,就会激起他们的愤恨和抨击

    While they were with Jesus , any slight shown to Him aroused their indignation and combativeness .

  17. 他们多被归类为出生低下、平凡无奇,且被轻视的社会阶层。而那些自认为是现代社会贵族的人经常会鄙视或嘲笑他们。

    They were often defined as members of a low-born , despised social class and a commoner , while many people who consider themselves modern-day patricians often look down and mock them .

  18. 不要轻视任何一个线索,因为这可能是实现你成功逃脱的关键。如果一个难题看起来太难解决,让你的团队成员参与进来,探索所有的选择项。

    Avoid dismissing any , as it may be central to achieving your goal of breaking out . If a puzzle appears too difficult to solve , involve your team members and explore all options .

  19. v.责难他老板责难地轻视工作。

    censure His employer censured him for neglecting his work .

  20. v.鄙视;轻视现在她富有了,不屑跟她的老朋友讲话。

    disdain Now that she is rich , she disdains to speak to her old friends .

  21. 礼仪专家埃米莉•波斯特(EmilyPost)的重孙、作家彼得•波斯特(PeterPost)说,如果在同事说话时插嘴,忽视或者轻视其他人的看法,也会被同事挑刺。

    Employees also are judged when they interrupt colleagues , or ignore or discount others ' ideas , says Peter Post , author and great-grandson of etiquette expert Emily Post .

  22. 实现扩展J2EE安全模型的JACC提供程序是一项复杂的任务,不应轻视。

    Implementation of a JACC provider that extends the J2EE security model is a complex task and should not be undertaken lightly .

  23. 但是没人再敢小瞧现代,否则将重蹈轻视丰田(TM)、本田(HMC)和日产的覆辙。

    But no one is taking Hyundai lightly anymore , especially those who recall how Toyota ( TM ) , Honda ( HMC ) and Nissan were underestimated .

  24. 在发展的前几年中,存在照搬国外EMBA项目模式的发展方式、重视理论教育而轻视实践教育等等。

    In the first few years of the development , there is a mode of development of copy the foreign EMBA education , and emphasis on the theoretical education and neglect the practical education , and so on .

  25. 如果你对他有点轻视,一切都失去了意义。

    If you hold him in contempt , all is lost .

  26. 他的讲话中处处是轻视女王的言词。

    His speech was full of contemptuous remarks about the queen .

  27. 一个英国人是决不会轻视歌的。

    Certainly the last thing an Englishman should despise is poetry .

  28. 它代表的是对功能的追求,对形式的轻视。

    It signifies a passion for function and disdain for form .

  29. 在任何一个纪律严明的社会中,社会的道德不容被轻视。

    Social virtues not to be disregarded in any well-regulated community .

  30. 你轻视别人,认为他们都不如你。

    You look down on everyone , consider them beneath you .