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  • light cruiser
  1. 第一次世界大战爆发的时候,他正在德累斯顿号轻巡洋舰上服役。

    I , he was serving aboard the light cruiser Dresden .

  2. 通用的现行的系列,除迷人之外,如果有疑问,跑车像最新的雪佛兰轻巡洋舰ZR1,前景不明朗。

    GM 's current range , with the exception of glamorous , if questionable , sports cars like the latest Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 , make glum viewing .

  3. 两国代表团从未能在限制轻巡洋舰的问题上意见一致,会议乃不欢而散。

    The two delegations were never able to agree upon the limitation of light cruisers , and the conference broke up in complete disagreement .

  4. 战斗巡洋舰澳大利亚和轻巡洋舰悉尼和墨尔本参加单位的皇家海军在其长期关注北海。

    The battle cruiser Australia and the light cruisers Sydney and Melbourne joined units of the Royal Navy in their long watch over the North Sea .

  5. 在能源使用方面,世界总共有90英里(150千米)“轻巡洋舰开足马力接踵前行”。他说。

    In terms of energy use , that would amount to90 miles ( 150 kilometers ) of " Corvettes bumper to bumper with their engines revving ," he said .