
  • 网络Light magnesium oxide;MgO;MAGNESIUM OXIDE LIGHT;MgD
  1. 利用现有工业条件,使用煅烧白云石粉与回收冶金石灰废气中的CO2进行试验研究,以提高轻质氧化镁产率为目的,取得了满意的结果。

    The good result is achieved by using calcined dolomite powder and carbon dioxide in waste metallurgical lime gas on foe existing industrial condition so that the light MgO productivity is improved .

  2. 利用现有工业条件试验室研制轻质氧化镁

    Development of light MgO in laboratory on the existing industrial condition

  3. 以γ-氧化铝、4A分子筛、活性二氧化硅、轻质氧化镁和活性氧化锌等两性氧化物用做催化剂进行研究。

    Investigation based on different kinds of amphoteric oxides such as activated alumina , molecular sieve of 4A type , activated silica , light magnesium oxide and activated zinc oxide was carried out .

  4. 溶解进入浸出液中的Fe、Mg可综合回收制备铁红及达国标(GB9004-88)优等级轻质氧化镁等产品。

    The ions of magnesium and iron dissolved in the leach liquor may be comprehensively utilized to produce iron oxide red and high class light magnesium oxide examined by the national standard ( GB9004-88 ) .

  5. 即用稀酸浸出的方法将蛇纹石中的MgO溶解以大幅降低最终精矿中MgO含量从而获得低镁优质精矿;同时,对进入浸出液的Mg、Fe等综合回收产出铁红、轻质氧化镁等产品。

    The MgO of serpentine is dissolved by diluted sulfuric acid so as to reduce MgO content of the final concentrate greatly . The ions of magnesium and iron dissolved in leaching solution can be utilized to produce iron oxide red and light magnesium oxide comprehensively .

  6. 喷雾焙烧法从蛇纹石中制取轻质氧化镁

    The preparation of light magnesium oxide from serpentine by spraying and

  7. 碳氨双循环法自白云石制备轻质氧化镁

    Making Light Magnesium Oxide from Dolomite by Recycling CO_2 and NH_3

  8. 回转煅烧炉窑制取轻质氧化镁的技术经济评价

    The technic and economic evaluation of the rotary calciner for producing

  9. 碳铵法从蛇纹石中提取轻质氧化镁研究

    Research on making magnesium oxide from serpentine by bicarbonate method

  10. 轻质氧化镁制备新工艺条件优化

    Optimization of the new technology for preparing light magnesium oxide

  11. 介绍了白云石碳化法生产轻质氧化镁的独特工艺设备;

    Specific equipment for producing light magnesium oxide by carbonating dolomite is introduced .

  12. 盐湖水氯镁石制取轻质氧化镁的工艺

    Technology of preparation for light magnesium oxide from bischofite

  13. 从盐泥中提取轻质氧化镁生产过程自动监测与控制

    Automatic monitor and control of production process of light magnesia extracted from salt mud

  14. 碳氨法白云石生产轻质氧化镁的正交实验研究

    Orthogonal tests of producing light magnesium oxide from dolomite with carbon dioxide and ammonia method

  15. 一次盐泥提取轻质氧化镁的扩大实验取得成功;

    Lits successful in midexperiment that get light-end oxide of magnesium from first salt mud .

  16. 反应后,分批添加固体碳酸氢铵,直到沉淀完全。然后经陈化、热解、过滤、洗涤、干燥、粉碎、煅烧等工序制成轻质氧化镁。

    After reaction we add ammonium bicarbonate solid into the solution in batches until deposited completely .

  17. 用碳化法从制碱废渣一次盐泥中制取轻质氧化镁的研究

    Study of making light magnesium oxide from the first salt mud of soda production by carbonizing

  18. 结果表明:常温固化酚醛粘结剂的固化速度随着Y-丁内酯和轻质氧化镁用量的增加而加快。

    The results showed that the curing reaction of ECP accelerated as the amount of y-butyrolactone and light-burned magnesium oxide increased .

  19. 介绍了用轻质氧化镁制造硅钢板退火用隔离剂氧化镁的试验。

    The test with light megnesium oxide make megnesium oxide using silicon steel band annealing as isolation agent are presented in this paper .

  20. 本研究是用制碱废渣一次盐泥作原料,采用二氧化碳碳化法制取轻质氧化镁。

    Light magnesium oxide is prepared by taking the first salt mud of soda production as its raw material , through carbonization of carbon dioxide ;

  21. 本研究所述的工艺是采用卤水、碳酸氢铵和氨水为原料,生产特级轻质氧化镁的方法。

    This paper about the technics is to use the material of haloid liquid , ammonium bicarbonate and ammonia to preparate the super light MgO .

  22. 制得的轻质氧化镁和水玻璃质量符合国家标准,蛇纹石中氧化镁的回收率大于90%。

    The quality of light magnesium oxide and water glass obtained by this technology corresponds to the product quality standards of the People 's Republic of China , and the overall recovery of magnesium oxide in serpentine is more than 90 % .

  23. 提出了以麦芽酚生产中的废渣&碱式溴化镁为主要原料,生产四溴乙烷,轻质氧化镁和氯化铵的基本原理、工艺过程和主要工艺条件,并估算了成本。

    The paper put foward the basic principle , technological process and conditions that product the tetrabromoethane , light magnesium oxide and ammonium chloride taking the waste residue from processing the maltol & the basic magnesium bromide as raw material . The production cost was estimated .

  24. 橡胶行业在橡胶的混炼工序中需要各种化学药品做辅料(俗称小粉料),这些辅料主要有促进剂、氧化锌、轻质氧化镁、防老剂、碳酸钙、树脂、防焦剂等几十种粉料。

    Rubber industry needs a variety of auxiliary chemicals ( known as little material ) in the rubber mixing process , These auxiliary chemicals are mainly accelerator , zinc oxide , light magnesium oxide , antioxidants , calcium carbonate , resin , anti-coke etc dozens of powder .

  25. 微波辐射煅烧碱式碳酸镁制备轻质活性氧化镁

    The preparation of light and activated magnesium oxide from basic magnesium carbonate by microwave radiation - calcining

  26. 我国轻质碳酸镁、轻质氧化镁生产现状及其发展

    Production Situation and Progress of Light Magnesium Carbonate and Calcined Magnesia

  27. 从蛇纹石制备轻质碳酸镁和轻质氧化镁的扩试研究

    Study of preparing light magnesium carbonate and light magnesia from serpentine in expanded experimental condition

  28. 在镁资源综合利用方面着重介绍了金属镁的制取、镁水泥、氢氧化镁阻燃剂及轻质碳酸镁、轻质氧化镁、硫酸镁的制取与用途。

    In the first part , the uses and productions of metal Mg , sorel cement , Mg ( OH ) _2 fire retardant , light magnesium carbonate , light magnesium oxide and magnesium sulphate are described .