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qīng biàn
  • light;portable;handy
轻便 [qīng biàn]
  • [light;portable] 轻而方便

  • 行李轻便

  • 轻便铁道

  • 轻便运动衫

轻便[qīng biàn]
  1. 尽量穿轻便宽松的衣服。

    Try to wear light , loose clothes .

  2. 我买了一只轻便手提箱。

    I bought a light suitcase .

  3. 新型的轻质外壳使这种型号携带更轻便。

    The new light cover increases this model 's portability .

  4. 我们的服装轻便、时尚,并且很适合度假时穿。

    Our clothes are lightweight , fashionable , practical for holidays .

  5. 这家公司生产一系列的新型轻便自行车。

    The company manufactures a range of innovative light-weight cycles .

  6. 为了不被淋湿,你需要在皮衣的外面套上一件轻便的防水服。

    For staying dry you 'll want nice lightweight waterproofs to wear over your leathers .

  7. 一辆轻便马车将把你送到主餐厅,以沙滩上的一支舞结束这个晚上。

    A buggy ferries you down to the main restaurant to finish the evening with a dance on the beach

  8. 他穿着一件黑色轻便夹克。

    He was wearing a black blazer .

  9. 这些轻便折椅可以叠起来放进汽车。

    These camping chairs can be folded away and put in the car .

  10. 这种旅行包携带轻便。

    This travelling bag is easy and convenient to carry .

  11. 我愿意用这辆汽车换一辆小型轻便卡车。||Theluckguyisachoicepickupforthegirls.那位幸运的男孩是女孩子们想勾搭上的人。

    I would love to trade this car for a pickup truck .

  12. 你用着简单的工具,有一个简约的衣橱,随身携带的物品简单轻便,生活方式也很轻快。

    It 's using simple tools , having a simple wardrobe , carrying little and living lightly .

  13. 轻便自行车车架的CO2气体保护焊工艺

    The CO_2 Gas Shielded Welding of the Frame of Light Bicycles

  14. 它更加轻便,与Java技术结合得更好,可用于替代其他的构建工具。

    It was created as a more portable and Java technology-friendly alternative to other build tools .

  15. 示例中的轻便线程生成的通常都是None,而不是跳转目标。

    The weightless threads in the examples have always yielded None rather than a jump target .

  16. 显控终端显示器采用LCD模块,以文字和图形方式显示雷达目标信息,实现系统的小型化和轻便化。

    Displaying the text and image information of the Radar target on LCD .

  17. PF:一致性和轻便性是我们的首要关注点。

    PF : We firstly focus on consistency and lean-ness .

  18. 结合目前已经成熟的半导体激光和CCD技术,运用此原理可使颗粒测量仪器向更轻便、灵敏发展。

    Combining with mature semiconductor lasers and the CCD image technique , this method will make the particle sizer portable and more sensitive .

  19. 我会穿Splendid瑜伽裤,还会带几件轻便的打底衣裤,以免飞机里太冷或太热。

    I wear splendid yoga pants and bring several lightweight layers in case the plane gets too hot or too cold .

  20. PCR生物芯片/微装置由于具有所需样品和反应混合物体积小、反应时间短、轻便等优点倍受人们关注。

    PCR biochip / microdevice is increasingly of great interest as a result of its small volume of sample and reaction mixture , short reaction period and portability .

  21. DAD产品特点是膨松轻便,有效保留新鲜水果100%营养不流失。储存时间长。

    The Characteristics of the DAD product are swell and light in weight , 100 percent keeps the nutrition , it can store the fresh fruits for a long time .

  22. 方法对169例癌症患者采用化疗泵加PICC持续化疗。仪器小型轻便,操作界面友好。

    Methods All the 169 patients with cancer were treated with continuous chemotherapy via portable chemotherapeutic pump plus PICC .

  23. 这些工具包括有一个测试套件、MVC架构、代码生成器、基于gem的插件、环境场景,以及轻便的应用程序配置。

    Such tools include a test suite , MVC architecture , code generators , gem based plugins , environment stages , and easy application configuration .

  24. 由于采用了新技术,如CMOS集成电路,并且改进了供电电源,仪器比较轻便适用。

    By means of adopting new technique , for instance , CMOS integrated circuits , and improved power supply circuit , the detector is comparatively convenient and light-weighted .

  25. 但在五月份,本田都市型轿车,一款提供混合燃料和汽油两种动力选择的车型,取代福特的F系列轻便货车(福特皮卡)成为了月度最畅销车型。

    But in May , the Honda Civic , a compact car available with either a hybrid or gasoline engine , displaced 's F-series pickup truck as the month 's best-selling vehicle .

  26. 这个小巧的设备将一个轻便的、加密的、具有PIN密码保护的管理器与微软视窗访问锁相结合,以防止盗用身份的小偷访问电脑。

    The compact device combines a portable , encrypted , and PIN-protected password manager with a Microsoft Windows access lock to prevent identity thieves from accessing the PC or laptop .

  27. 外形轻便、运行迅速的MacBookAir就是一款出色笔记本的样板,我预计苹果笔记本也将配备英特尔即将为PC而推出的处理器。

    The light , speedy MacBook Air is a paragon of what a capable laptop should be and I expect Macs to adopt the same new Intel processor coming soon for PCs.

  28. 为了获得新的频率资源、更高的数据带宽、以及更小巧轻便的天线,卫星使用频率向Ku、Ka波段转移。

    In order to get new frequency source , high-speed transport velocity and small portable aperture antenna , ku-band has become far-reaching application .

  29. 分析您的开支与轻便而牺牲的软件为诺基亚n73。

    Analyze your expenses with Handy Expense software for Nokia N73 .

  30. 基于SQUID技术开发的地球物理探测系统不仅具有精度高、分辨率高的优点,而且仪器系统轻便。

    The geophysical instrument developed on SQUID not only has the advantages on high precision , high resolution , but have the advantage on development the light and handy instrument .