
  • 网络slight bodily injury;Slight injury
  1. 争执期间,民警鲍某受伤,后经鉴定属轻微伤。

    During the dispute , a police injured Martin , was identified after an slight injury .

  2. 结果:78人中轻微伤65例,轻伤10例,重伤3例。

    Results : In total 78 cases , 65 cases of slight injury , 10 cases of light injury , 3 cases of serious injury .

  3. 我们中只有一人伤了,他只是轻微伤了一点。

    Only one of us was injured and he ( was ) just slightly .

  4. 结论86例伤者中轻伤80例(93%),轻微伤6例(7%)。

    80 cases ( 93 % ) were light wound , 9 slight wound ( 7 % ) .

  5. 鉴定时间在伤后3-12个月,其中轻微伤2例,轻伤6例,重伤2例。

    Time of expertise of forensic medicine was 3-12 months after injury . There were two cases of slight injury ; six , middle and two severe .

  6. 两法阳性与阴性结果及轻伤程度(≥++)与轻微伤程度(≤+)结果比较均有高度显著性差异(P<001)。

    There was high significant difference between the positive and negative outcome and between the trauma mild (≥ + + ) and slight trauma outcome (≤ + ) as determined by these two methods ( P < 0 01 ) .

  7. 对于采用万能试验机模拟的轻微压伤,通过Otsu阈值分割、膨胀操作并提取边界的图像处理方法,最后对水果边界进行角点检测。

    The slight pressure injury simulated by Instron texture instrument could be detected through the Otsu threshold segmentation , expansion operation and boundary extraction and the corner detection of the fruit image .

  8. 幸运的是,只有两个人受了些轻微的伤。

    Fortunately , only two people suffered just minor injuries .

  9. 因为循环系统有问题,所以即便是脚部最最轻微的刮伤或是溃疡都非常容易感染;

    With circulation compromised , even a minor scratch or sore on the feet can become infected easily ;

  10. 巴克尔还称,除了皮肤割伤和擦伤以及轻微的胸部伤之外,波特并无大碍。

    Potter appeared unscathed aside from some superficial cuts and bruises and a minor chest injury , according to Barker .

  11. 却因一记轻微的斧伤发炎溃烂,最后不得不截掉整只手。

    He 'd taken a glancing blow from an axe and the wound had festered until the whole arm had to come off .

  12. 影响微重的植株只是轻微失色并没有伤到本质。

    Less severely affected plants show some loss of color and fail to heart .